Frankie Fever

Look hot-ass

"Okay, Gerard," Frank began "If we're gonna' hang out and stuff, we need to fix the way you look."

"What?" I questioned in bewilderment.

"C'mere," He laughed, sticking his cigarette in between his lips.

He reached out for my school tie, wriggling it so it hung lower and looser than it was before. Next was my shirt. I usually have all the buttons on my school shirts done up. Frank clearly didn't like it. He reached out and unbuttoned the top button. My stomach leaped as his fingers brushed my skin by accident.

He had a smile on his face as he looked me up and down, pulling the cigarette from between his lips so he could exhale the smoke. He always looked sexy with that grey smoke wafting from out of his lips.

"Not bad," He applauded "Just one last thing."

He reached out for my longish brown hair and ruffled it. Then he tilted his head to one side.

"Y'know what?" He questioned "I think you'd look good with black hair."

"Really?" I questioned, running a hand through my hair.

"Definitely," He said with an approving nod "I could do it for you now!"

Next thing I knew, I was being dragged off towards the nearest store that stocked hair dye. Frank was picking up various boxes of hair dye and looking them over thoughtfully. I just nodded along with him in appropriate places, not wishing to tell him I had no idea what he was talking about.

This brand wasn't that great.

That brand made his friends hair fall out once.

Frank loved to dye his hair but he was fussy about the brand he used to dye his hair. I'd noticed that when we last went to get some hair dye for him. We were in there for ages! And then Frank didn't have enough money; of course, I was more than willing to lend him the money he needed.

Finally, he picked up a box of black hair dye and nodded approvingly. Then he glanced around.

"Got any cash?" He questioned, leaning closer so no one would hear him.


He smiled mischeviously, looking around in search of security guards and cameras. Luckily this was a little corner store that obviously didn't feel it needed cameras. Frank gave me a little push; urging me to walk out of the store. I did so, waiting for him to join me. He was headed towards me, walking through the security things that stop you stealing stuff-

Bleep bleep bleep bleep.

Frank dashed forwards, grabbing my wrist.

"Run!" He said with a grin.

Next thing I knew, we were running as fast as our little legs would carry us, both of us laughing hysterically. The store-owner came haring out of his store after us to either catch us or get a good look at us so he could tell the cops. But he was a little too slow and we were around the corner by the time we heard his yells.

Still laughing hysterically, we darted off down a little side alley so we could take a rest. Frank was leaning against a wall, doubled over to try and catch his breath. I grinned at him, not knowing what else to say or do. He looked up and grinned back at me, his entrancing eyes lighting up with excitement. After looking around the corner and checking we hadn't been followed, he pulled the box of dye out of his pocket and grinned at me.

"Mission accomplished," He announced with a grin "C'mon, let's get back to mine so we can get this stuff in that sexy hair of yours."

"Ooh," I commented suggestively and somewhat pathetically hopefully "You think I have sexy hair, Frankie?"

"Don't you know it, Gerard?" He smirked, blowling a kiss at me "You make me all hot and flustered by walking into the room," He continued, smacking his lips in a kissing gesture.

I rolled my eyes at the way my stomach swooped even though he was obviously being sarcastic. The image of Frank struggling to keep his cool everytime he saw me made my stomach leap with butterflies and my head spin with excitement. I wondered exactly where he'd sweat if I did make him all hot and flustered.

Frank gestured for me to follow him and we sauntered out of the alley as casually as possible. I stole a side-glance at Frank's cool and composure; a pro at this. He calmly reached into his pocket and pulled a squashed box of cigarettes out of his pocket. I watched his long fingers flip the lid open and he proffered the box, offering me a white stick of tobacco.

I took it from him and accepted his lighter, butterflies swooping in my stomach as our fingertips brushed. Wow, I was pathetic. Frank lit his own cigarette, slipping his sunglasses out of his pocket and slipping them over his eyes. He was the type to wear sunglasses whatever the weather.

* * *

Frank's apartment wasn't exactly in a paradise location. More like a big apartment building in the dirty backstreets of Jersey. But you got inside his apartment and it was like heaven; especially in his room!

Frank's room was painted bright red to match his bright personality and downright sexy, almost saucy, attitude. Hehe. . . red. . . saucy. . . I crack myself up. Really, I do. His bedsheets were black to go with the red. And he had posters littering the walls like a homemade wallpaper. He had a sloped desk, kept very tidy. His wardrobe was in the far corner by the window, his clothes all colour co-ordinated. And his guitar and amp were in the corner to the right by the door.

"Right," Frank said, tossing his hoodie and the dye on the bed "Let's get your hair dyed, shall we?"

And right then, I almost died. I dropped my bag to the floor, looked up and there he was. Frank had pulled his blazer off and unbuttoned his school shirt, pulling it off right in front of me. And there was that fine-ass yummy torso for my greedy eyes to feast on. He had a little tattoo that he sure as hell wasn't supposed to have; he told me once that if his dad found out, he'd kill him. I promised my lips were sealed.

I finally snapped out of my trance when I realised he was talking to me. A blush tickled my cheeks and I prayed I hadn't gone noticably red. Frank led the way to his bathroom, ordering me to get my blazer and school shirt off. I felt immensely self-conscious in doing so. I felt imperfect compared to him. Wow, chick-like or what? Frank sensed my discomfort and handed me a dark blue towel to wrap around my shoulders.

"Right, let's get you looking hot, shall we?" Frank questioned.
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