Frankie Fever


"Gerard, come on!" Mom urged "I really think it'd do Mikey good if we were to all get involved with each other a little more!"

I rolled over so I was facing the other way. Mom wanted us to all go to the movies together. Understandably, I didn't want to go. It's not cool at fifteen to be seen with your parents, right? The bed shifted as Mom sat on the end next to me and patted my shoulder. I didn't say anything.

"Please, darling?" Mom whined "It'll be nice for us all if we can spend some time together. Your Father's even re-arranged his pool game so he can come with us."

"His pool game?" I questioned.

Since when did Dad play pool?

"He's started playing pool with a friend he's made at work."

Ah. A 'friend'. I wonder if this friend had blonde hair, long legs and was half my mother's age. I wouldn't put it past Dad. He needed to have some excuse for spending so much time away from home. Playing pool seemed innocent enough. And Mom was stupid enough to buy it.

I didn't say anything after that. Mom continued to stroke my shoulder, cooing out all her old pet names for me; 'Geward' and 'Honey bunch' etc. Of course, this was a guaranteed way to make me not want to come. No one likes being called 'Geward' for christs sake. Pet names suck.

"I don't want to, Mom," I said.

"Why not, honey?" She simpered.

"I don't feel well," I lied.

There we go again with the lying. Dad had twisted me up in this knotted web of lies with him. I'd been covering up for him and his little slut ever since it all started. I didn't want to lie anymore. Lying wasn't doing anyone any good. I needed to make a break and come clean. No more lies.

That included Frank.

I had to be honest with him. The choice I had to make was very simple. I could either tell him we couldn't hang out any more and not specify; just leave it at that and never see him again in the hope that I'd get over my unhealthy crush. Or I could come completely clean and tell him I was in love with him. Either way, things would move on between us as a result of my decision. It was important that I gave the first domino a push and moved things on between us. Going on the way things were wasn't good for me. I was sexually obsessed with him. That level of sexual interest was unhealthy. I had to come clean.

Admittedly, Frank needed to hear the truth either way. I couldn't just stop hanging out with him and not give him an explanation. He deserved that much. He'd probably hate me either way but the truth would be out there. I wouldn't be lying any more. I was sure I'd feel better when I came clean. Better than obsessing over Frank and not being able to do anything about it most definitely. Frank was driving me to the brink of insanity. I had to do something about it.

"Hel-ugh. . . hello?" Came the soft groan.

"Hey, Frank!" I greeted.

"Ugh. . . h-hi, Gee," He replied "What do you want?"

"Oh erm. . ." Say it. "Um. . ." Say it. "Uh. . . I uh. . ." Say it. "Just wondered how it's going!"

"Not- ah- not so great," He replied "My back's screwed, I hurt it by climbing a fence and falling off yesterday."

"Oh my God!" I exclaimed "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, it just hurts like hell!"

"How did you do it?"

"I decided to take a short cut home last night and that involved climbing over this big-ass fence. I got to the top and slipped then fell off. And the way I landed screwed my back up."

"Dude, that sounds bad!" I sympathised.

"Mm. I have to stay in bed for a day or two and then take it easy for the next few weeks."


"Yeah. I won't be seeing Colette again for a long time, I can tell you that!"

"You're not blaming her are you, Frank?"

"Why not?"

"C'mon, man, it's not her fault!"

"Is too," He protested "I wouldn't have taken the shortcut if she hadn't insisted on me walking her home!"

"But it's not like she was there to push you off, is it?"

"Might as well have been!"

I rolled my eyes. No way I was gonna' win this one, Frank was always stubborn. He had to be right or there was nothing to argue about. I smiled fondly despite the fact that I knew I wasn't going to win this one. That was just Frank.

"Well, Frank, I need to talk to you about something, sometime," I began.

"Oh, okay," He said expectantly.

"And I dunno' if er. . . it's appropriate to talk about over the phone," I continued.

"Oh, all right. Next time I see you, then?" Frank offered.


"What's it about?" He questioned "Got a lady interest?"

I laughed politely with him.

"Yeah, something like that."

"All right, well you take care okay?"

"You too, dude, hope you feel better soon!"


I smiled and lay back on my bed, already feeling much better about things. Soon, everything would be sorted out and I'd be over my concerning crush on Frank. Everything was finally starting to fall into place and I could now sigh in relief as if to say 'Ah, that's better'. Life was finally starting to sort itself out for me and I could move on and find a nice girl to crush on and bring home to meet Mom and Dad.

And I'd be there for Mikey too. He'd get out of his Star Trek phase and start liking. . . I dunno' video games and punk music instead. Then he'd start learning some kind of instrument and would join an awesome band and I'd be their biggest fan. And Mikey would be my best friend and right-hand man.

Dad would realise Serena was only a passing thing and that he and Mom were made to be together. He'd end it with Serena, come and apologise to me and admit I was right. I'd smile and say 'Yeah, but you didn't know any better' and he'd take me out for an ice cream and a game of soccer.

And Mom, well, she'd realise that it's okay for your house to be a little messy every now and then-


"Keep your voice down, the kids!"


Guess I thought wrong.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooooooh, what's going on?

Hey, guys, sorry it's been a long time but guess what? Exams are almost over. Just one left =]

Also, I have a new one-shot up called 'Jump'. I'd be much obliged if you were to have a little read and tell me what you think of it.

Kay, take care y'all.
