Frankie Fever

Other forms of entertainment

We were marvellous.

It was just like how I used to feel when we first started hanging out. I felt cool because of who I was with, I felt special because he was with me and I felt unstoppable because the confidence he oozed was catching.

We strutted our stuff, marching on through town without a care in the world. I’d run a hand through my hair and he’d slip a hand casually into his pocket. He’d slip his sunglasses on and I’d light a cigarette.

We paraded forwards into the arcade. We’d challenge each other to the racing games. We battled viciously with the crane machine until we pulled out a Frankenstein and a weird little fluffy bat. I claimed the bat and tucked it under my arm while we had our try at the fruit machines, one of us playing the machine and the other watching for security. We were great.

To the mall.

We squished ourselves into a photo booth. We took a variety of photos of us both. The strip was divided in half as we hurried on through the mall. Into the candy store. Out we came, brandishing cotton candy, twizzlers, skittles, reeses cups, Hershey’s kisses and lollypops.

Frankie dragged me over to the carousel and, like the children we were, we clambered onto a horse each. That traditional old music started up and we were soon going around in circles, ignorant to everyone except each other. We were in our own bubble. As it went round, Frankie began tossing bits of cotton candy at me, laughing uncontrollably. I reached into my bag and threw bits back, grinning cheekily. Parents were giving us looks of disapproval as little pink bits of candyfloss hit their little angels.

Ah, well. They’d be doing the exact same thing in about ten years.

We ran through the shops, wreaking havoc. We didn’t care.

It was great.

We were marvellous.

And off to the park again. We hired ourselves two deckchairs overlooking the pond. Down we sat, watching the ducks swim through the water, snatching at pieces of bread people threw in for them. I glanced at Frankie and smiled contently.

He looked gorgeous. The orangey sunlight had fallen on his face perfectly, casting shadows in the right places and highlighting his best features. His eyes sparkled and his lips glistened from where he’d given them a quick lick.

The ducks had begun to swim peacefully through the water, calm. There were children laughing in the background. Occasionally a cyclist would quietly pass us. There was a warmth about the park that seemed to envelop everyone. I sighed contently.

Frank reached out beside me. When I looked, he was holding his hand out to me, palm up. My heart swooped. It was a nice sensation, being wanted by Frankie, I mean. I reached out and placed my hand in his, grinning inwardly as his warm fingers closed around the shape of my hand.

We were in our own little world. A world of warmth where the only person that mattered to either of us was the other. We were surrounded by serenity. It was our own little nirvana. Angels were singing in my ears and dancing around our closed hands. It was beautiful.

What I’m describing there was perhaps one of the best feelings I’d ever felt in my life. Holding Frankie’s hand like that gave me a warm feeling that went from the tips of my dyed hair all the way down to my baby toes. I felt wanted. I felt special and important..

I looked at Frankie and smiled proudly.

* * *

Watching him prance about his room with no shirt, lying back on his bed with a cigarette as he rummaged through his clothes. I was in heaven.

Reclining on his bed the way I was made me feel beyond sexy. I felt invincible. In my head, I told myself a little story. Frankie was my beautiful, hot boyfriend whom was very in love with me. And after spending a lovely day together, we were getting ready to go out on a date at Seventh Heaven. Then we’d come home together, peel the clothes off of each other the way you peel a delicious Satsuma and crawl under the covers together. . .

I grinned, taking a slow drag of my cigarette as he pulled out a black button-up shirt. He pulled it on, tucking it into his black jeans. There he was, posing proudly with one hip jutted and hands on his hips.

“So?” He questioned.

“Nice,” I nodded.

He smiled and nodded in agreement, murmuring ‘I thought so’. He bent over in front of his mirror, checking his eyeliner and adding another coat. My eyes drifted to his ass; such a goddamn beautifully crafted ass. Right there in front of me. I swallowed hard.

“Gorgeous!” I exclaimed with a grin.

He turned to me with a wide grin. As he paraded over to the pile of clothes, he gave his hips a deliberate shake. He then produced one of his tight white t-shirts and a skin-tight pair of black skinnys. I blinked and gave my shoulders a shrug. Did he want me to decide which he should wear?

“C’mon,” He ordered “Clothes off!”

Then it dawned on me. Those clothes weren’t for him.

“I am so not wearing that!” I insisted “I’d look like a man-slut.”

Frankie scoffed, a smile that said oh-no-you-di’nt spreading over his face as he stepped closer and knelt down in front of me. I grinned back confidently. He was kidding. So was I. And we both knew it.

“What on Earth are you suggesting?” He questioned, his eyebrows quirked and that smile still in place “Faggot,” He added cheekily.

“Man-whore,” I replied with a grin.

He leaned closer. God, he was so close. My heartbeat always rose when he got that close to me.

“Uphill gardener,” He shot back.

“Call boy!” I cried, reaching out and pinching the back of his neck. Something that always made him break down into a useless fit of the giggles.

He threw himself on me, wrestling with me through his uncontrollable giggles. I fought back as he tried to roll me over onto my back. A hand slid around to my front, trying desperately to get to my button and fly.

“I’m going to strip those jeans off!” He exclaimed.

“I’m not wearing that outfit!”

“Yes, you are!” He insisted.

I knew this was a fight I wouldn’t win even before I felt him tugging my jeans down my legs. Why bother fighting? I didn’t. I gave in and followed the way of the crazy one.

Frankie forced me into those clothes and then began messing with my hair. Oh God, I dunno’ what he did but I loved it. He changed the parting but it wasn’t just that! There was hair going in both directions and fixed in place by hairspray. It swept across my forehead, framing my lined eyes. It looked wonderful. I felt hot.

He stood next to me, pouting into the mirror confidently. I sort of grimaced. This made him giggle and grab my cheeks, pushing them together so my lips pursed.

“Look at you,” He giggled “Liddle fish face!”

I wriggled and gently bit into his finger, to which he swore and gave me a light slap to the back of the head. Then he shook his head and rested his chin on my shoulder, putting one arm around me and holding my shoulder with the other.

“It’s gonna’ be a fun night, Gee,” He smirked into our reflections.

* * *

We ran, squealing with excitement. Frankie had seen Amandora and her new guy. He’d then given this guy a sharp kick to the shins, grabbed my wrist and ran. We were screaming and laughing our heads off as we fled from the cries in Italian and German behind us.

Frankie pulled me aside after a few minutes of running. He looked at me with a breathless grin and that twinkle in his eye. He leaned in close to me.

“I’ve got something for you!” He breathed out softly.

Ooh, what was that? A kiss, maybe?

He grinned and lifted up his clenched fist. I waited eagerly to see what he had in that hand. His expression was one of pure excitement, want and curiosity all rolled into one. It was a look I’d never seen before.

It’s the sort of look you get when you’re about to do something dangerous for the first time in your life. The look that comes with a whooshing sensation. A sensation of pure adrenaline accompanied by burning butterflies in the pit of your stomach. The sort of feelings Frank thrived on.

I looked down at his hand as he opened it up.

In the middle of his palm was a small pink heart-shaped pill. I looked up at his excited expression, finally understanding why he had that expression.

“I-I’ve never done one before,” I stammered, feeling a rush of nerves and excitement.

“Me neither,” He confessed “We’ll half it!”

He lifted one of the halves up to my mouth, waiting for me to part my lips. He then delicately placed the half on my tongue. I took his half and did the exact same, never breaking eye contact. He grinned excitedly.

We grabbed each others hand and ran, whooping and screaming with excitement.
♠ ♠ ♠
*Sad face*

I'm losing readers very rapidly.

Thank you to everyone who's still reading this and is not looking for some pointless raunchy sex chapter. You make me smile =]

Thank you again!

*Magic skittles for everyone*