Frankie Fever

Our lips could touch

Some people say their first time on E made them love everybody. Anybody that was around.

It wasn’t like that for me. I liked them all and I was glad they were there. They were bearing witness to the one true love I was feeling. Only one love, for me. And it was sweet. Like a strawberries and cream chuppa-chup I could slowly roll around my tongue over and over with a smug smirk.

It felt like I was on top of the world. The sensation was amazing. That love made me feel like nothing could hurt me. I was wearing an indestructible shield that surrounded me and my love together no matter where we were. Such an amazing feeling. It’s really hard to describe.

I’m sure you understand.

He was dancing in front of me, right in the middle of the dance floor, lights flashing all around him. He looked amazing. His arms were in the air as he swayed slowly to the music. At the sight of me, he reached out and stroked the side of my face.

I took hold of his hand as he tried to get me to dance with him. He continued to stroke my face, smirking at me. I reached out and stroked a strand of his hair between my forefinger and thumb.

It was amazing. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. I’d never expected this in my wildest dreams. He leaned in very close, putting his free arm around my shoulders. It was beautiful. We fit together like two pieces of a jigsaw. Perfectly.

He began to kind of roll himself against me. Like. . . um, you know how they do in salsa? The beat of the music picked up and he began to sway faster, turning every so often, pulling my arm around his waist and shaking his hips. I rested my head on his shoulder as I stood in very close, moving with him and loving every second of it. I admit it, I felt so smug - I was the luckiest guy in the world.

I could feel the envious stares on me. He was hot. I knew it. The girls knew it. And they were wishing either that he wasn’t with me or that they were guys.

But of course, every good feeling has to come to an end. Believe me, I didn’t want it to but it came so fast I barely had time to recognise it.

We can wrestle as much as we like with the pin that will burst our bubble but it’s pointless. It’ll bust the bubble any way. Why try and fight it?

Anyway. The pin came in the form of a very beautiful and very curious girl.

I ran my lips softly along the skin of his neck and then a voice pierced through our shield.

Are you two together? Like, gay?” The voice questioned “My friend and I love gays!”

Yes, I believe she was a fag hag.

Frankie turned to look at her and smiled widely, his teeth glittering and his eyes shimmering in the light. He opened his mouth. Oh, God, what would his answer be? I couldn’t wait to hear it. And I hoped it would be the answer I wanted. I prayed silently for the answer I so longed to hear uttered from his lips. His answer came out loud and clear.

“Yeah,” He grinned, turning to me “Yeah we are,” He finished, leaning in closer.


He leaned in close to me, reaching out with one hand and stroking the side of my face softly. His eyes fluttered shut as he moved closer still, his hand cupping the side of my face. I closed my eyes and moved one hand to the back of his neck. . .

He kissed me.

A long, passionate kiss.

His lips moved slowly, squeezing mine between them. A hand slid around my waist, pulling me into him. This was even better than the last time. This time he’d taken his time and was putting real effort into it. Oh. . . Oh it was so good.

Something soft poked at my lips. His tongue. He was slipping his tongue in. I eagerly touched his tongue with mine. Who cares if I wasn’t too experienced? So what if my only proper experience came from playing spin-the-bottle back in New York? It came naturally to me. And it’s not like he had any complaints. In fact, he even made a soft ‘mm’ sound, thank you very much!

I’m guessing he liked it from the way he pulled me into him even more, his arm tight around my waist.

My head was spinning. The Earth was singing. The stars were shining down on us and only us so that everyone present could serve their purpose of bearing witness to the love I was feeling. The Earth shook. It was amazing. This had to be his way of telling me he wanted me too.

He pulled away slowly, resting his forehead against mine. He smiled breathlessly. I grinned back, feeling like I was glowing pink.

“How about I go get us some drinks?” I offered.

He smirked and nodded his head.

“Sounds good,” He replied.

I grinned even wider and turned to head to the bar. He smiled after me and turned as someone spoke to him.

This was brave of me. You see, I was absolutely terrified of going up to the bar. I used to panic, my heartbeat thumping and my palms growing sticky. My low confidence told me I would get caught out and that I’d be stamped with the word ‘UNDERAGE’ in big red letters.

Not tonight. Tonight I was in an indestructible bubble. I was living the dream. The barman turned to me with a nod to say ‘what do you want?’

“Two vodka mixers,” I yelled over the thump-thump-thump of the music.

He nodded and turned to get my order.

Yeah, that’s right. You get those drinks.

I handed over my cash confidently, waiting for my change and slipping a straw in each drink. Tonight, I was living the dream. My one wish had been granted for me. It had come in the best possible way. I was now buying my boyfriend a drink and nothing was going to stop me.

I grinned to myself as I weaved my way through the crowd.

Nothing was going to stop me.

Except perhaps. . .

Well. I suppose what I found next stopped me.

The sight of Frank kissing the girl who’d asked if we were together.

Yep. He had one hand clutching her ass and the other clamped onto her neck. She had her arms wound around his neck and was crushing herself into him. He kissed her roughly and eagerly.

I froze. Just kind of. . . watching them. My bubble had burst. My shield had fallen. My heart sank. It sank to fifty feet below sea level, landed with a crash and split clean in two.

The girl groaned against Frank.

I felt bile rising in my throat. The two drinks slipped from my grasp and shattered into thousands of tiny shards as I ran.
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Hey, guyyyys!

Little treat there =] Only to be snatched away again within five seconds. Oh aren't I mean? Haha, I love you all really, don't worry!

I have to get to media in a minute, I just thought I'd give you all an update before I do! Writing is always #1 although it doesn't always seem that way =]

Bye byeeee

Remember, Comments = <3 and magic skittles!