Frankie Fever

Down to Seventh Heaven

Seventh Heaven was a great club. Frank said it was his favorite club out of all the clubs in Belleville. I didn't want to think about how many clubs there were in Belleville. I was still pretty anxious that I'd be caught out by the bouncers. I mean, hello? It was obvious I was too young to get into clubs, right?

Okay, go on through.


Okay, go on through.


Okay, go on through.


Okay, go on through.

Closer we got.

I felt like I was going to throw up. My stomach was tangling and twisting itself into stubborn knots of anxiety. Frank was totally cool. My forehead, back and armpits started to feel damp. Frank was serene. My heartbeat was picking up speed with each step forward that I took. Frank was confident.

Thump-a-thump thump-a-thump thump-a-thump. . .

Closer we got. My perspiration problem got worse, as a result. Ihoped prayed to God that I didn't smell bad. Maybe everyone around me was secretly pinching their noses at the smell I was giving off.

Closer still. Slowly approaching those men in black shirts with their stern expressions and folded arms.

Thumpathumpthumpathumpthumpathumpthumpathump. . .

They looked me and Frank up and down.

My heart stopped.

Frank indicated that we were together, giving the bouncer a cheeky wink. The way a thirteen year old girl might have done. Whatever that secret charm he posessed was, it worked. They nodded to Frankie and held the door open for him. I was certain they wouldn't let me in as I crept on past behind him. I was just waiting for that hand on my chest and the gruff voice asking for my ID.

One step, two steps, three steps, four steps, five steps. One step, two steps, three steps, four steps, five steps. . .

I did it!

I got into a night club.

All around us was some kind of sexy riff. A sexy riff for the entrance of a certain sexy boy. I'd never heard this song before, I liked it.

Ooh baby don't you know I suffer?
Ooh baby can't you hear me moan?
You caught me under false pretenses
How long before you let me go?

Ooh you set my soul alight
Ooh you set my soul alight

All around me, girls and guys were dancing. Frank grinned at me through the colours of uv lights and disco smoke. He took my hand and dragged me towards the dancefloor. The anxiety crept up over me again. I wasn't much of a dancer back then. Frank ignored my shy smile and attempts to back away, he tightened his grip and pulled me into the dance floor with him.

And that's the night I learnt to dance. All I did was follow Frank's lead. Although it took me a while to get into it. But he was adamant that I danced at least once, tonight. Like I said, it took a while but I soon got into it. And, together, we attracted a lot of female attention.

Arms above head, swing those hips.

Give us a spin, boy.

Arms down. Swing those hips.

That's it, baby, work it. Work it, baby, work it.

Shimmy those shoulders a little for me, honey.

Bump the hips, together.

Preen a little for me, gorgeous. Swing that hair. Look down. Now look up.

. . . I thought I was a fool for no one
Ooh baby I'm a fool for you. . .

. . . Ooh you set my soul alight
Ooh you set my soul alight . . .

I never realised how appropriate the song was until I thought about it afterwards. Now, thinking about it, that could have been the soundtrack if they ever made a documentary about my obsessive crushing over Frank.

He was grinning at me, telling me to go find us somewhere to sit. Off he swaggered, swaying those hips, a chorus of girls staring longingly after him. I wondered who would be the unbelievably lucky lady as I glanced at all the gorgeous girlies. I eyed them all up, trying to predict who it would be.

Tacky plastic barbie dolls without a single original thought in their shallow heads. At least he didn't go for that type. He hated that superficial kind of person. That's why he claimed to have wanted to hang out with me; I looked original and interesting.

The crying girl in the corner, sniffling and wiping the snot from her face desperately as he slipped past. Ugh, Frank, no!

The quiet, mysterious brunette. That seemed more like it. Frank liked a girl with mystery. More clothes to hide her body; he once revealed that really grabbed his attention and that secret led to an increase of long sleeved shirts in my closet.

There she was. It would be her. I knew it. Long brown hair, stylishly cut. Red vest top underneath a little black cargigan thing, bootcut denim jeans, lips slicked with just enough lip gloss to make them shimmer.

And I knew she had her eye on him as he passed her. The look she gave him with those heavily made up eyes told me straight away she was used to getting what she wanted; I couldn't see Frank being an exception.

I shoved her harshly from my thoughts and smiled attentively as Frank slid a drink in front of me. He sat opposite me with a wriggle of his hips and sip from his glass. There was something weirdly graceful about the way he moved; almost feminine. It made me want him more. He smiled at me over the edge of his glass with a quick lick of his lips.

I smiled back stupidly, taking my first ever sip of a cocktail. It wasn't too bad, if I didn't know Frank I would've thought it was non-alcoholic; it was kinda' fruity. It tasted good. Frank nodded approvingly, sipping his own and then casting a sweeping glance around the room. And so the hunt began. The search for his next victim.

And, just like I predicted, his eyes came to rest on the mysterious brunette. Here we go again.
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For Carmen 'cause I have writer's block for Looks Mean Nothing To Me =[