I am your Angel


My Chemical Romance as Them Self.


I do not own My Chemical Romance, and all of the characters. It’s just fiction. Mean. Not. Real.

With all of my knowledge, this is never, ever happens/happened/happening. I made this up as my imaginations goes.

This contain:

-Bad language
-Mean=Boy/boy or Man/man. Don't like? Bye-Bye!

Anything here does NOT true. Fiction, Once again. Just Fiction.

I warned you!


The wind blew my face. On the cold December, I walked through the street. I kicked anything that on the street, even though, it was all cover with snow. I love snow. I remembered when I was a little kid, when there’s snow, I would went out and play. With my friends and family. Especially, my brother. I sighed. I really don’t want to think about him.

Today. I even didn’t come home after school end. I hang out with my best friends. But I am sure someone waiting for me at home. Worrying about me. Not my parents. They went somewhere this week, left me and my brother alone. Yeah, alone. I though it will be fun to have me and my brother alone. Why?

Because. I love. My own damn brother.