Status: Hiatus. I'm so busy :/

"Love is Like A Glass Door..."

Smile For the Paparazzi!

Joe Jonas' Pov

"Who are you?"


"Are you in a relationship with Nicholas Jonas?"


"Why are you here?"


The red-headed chick, um, Penny, was in the main center of the group of nagging reporters. Also in the mix was a lanky dude with black or brown hair, his head down as he tried to ignore them. Good luck with that.

Penny looked confused. Out of the five of us, she was the only one not wearing shades, so she got the most out of the camera flashes. Kev, Nick, and I were only a bit miffed; this happened to us all of the time when we were spotted walking down the street. But oddly enough, the paparazzi hadn't spotted us yet. Were we that convincingly disguised?

Suddenly, the tall dude looked up.

Penny's Pov

Flashes, flashes everywhere. I couldn't see straight. But I wasn't blind enough that I couldn't see what happened next.

Connor was being instigated by this very annoying female reporter that was buzzing in his face:

"Who are you? Why are you with this young lady? How old are you? What is your relationship with this girl? Tell us, who is this girl-

Connor had had enough. What he did next shocked us all.

Suddenly, he his head shot up. His eyes flared. He reeled back, and he punched her full in the face. The reporter cried out and fell into the gutter.

It wasn't in best morals that he did that, but, hey, the dude has a hard right hook.

Silence. The rest of the paparazzi stood there, mouths wide open, while the four of us grinned in spite of ourselves. Connor steamed. You see, the thing is that ever since Princess Diana died in that car accident- the paparazzi being a main factor to that, might I add- Connor has hated them with all of his heart.

The camera man that was assisting the reporter helped her up, struggling to balance the large camera on his shoulder at the same time. I was tempted to punch her myself, it looked like fun. She glared at Connor.

So much for laying low. I could already see next week's headlines:

Unidentified Man, Associated with Nick Jonas' Possible Girlfriend, Assaults a Fellow Reporter.

Okay, fine, I'm not that good with titles.

The silence had broken, and once more camera flashes ensued.

"Oh my god, did you see that? He-

"Punched Veronica, what kind of-

"Person is he? This is so going on next week's-

"Magazine. But I call it!"

"No I do!"

"No, I do!"

"I saw him punch her first!"

"Shut up, dough head."

And so on. Suddenly, someone noticed Nick and his brothers walking towards us.

"It's them!"


"Nick Jonas!"


"The Jonas Brothers!"

Flash, flash, flash.

Finally, someone asked him the million dollar question: "Are you going out with this girl?"

"Yes I am," Nick said coolly. Then he did something that totally caught me off guard.

He kissed me. And I'm not talking about that little peck on the cheek from Thursday kind of kiss. It was a full-on mouth-to-mouth kiss. I admit, there was even just a little bit of tongue. Just a little. He tousled my hair, and for a minute I thought I might never wash it again. I kid, by the way.

Everyone gasped. I blushed, thinking that Connor was right behind me, watching. And Kevin and Joe. And the whole world would, once these pictures are published next week. Oh My God.

The kiss was a whole ten seconds. Yes, I was counting when I should have been paying attention.

"Happy?" he asked the paparazzi after the kiss. "Now, get the hell out of here. You're making her sick."

Slowly, they got back into the cars and drove away. Thank God.

My eyes were to the sidewalk and I blushed on, not daring to look up at anyone.

Nick was still close. "Who is that guy?" he whispered.

I smiled, and whispered back, "I'll tell you Sunday. You know, build up the suspense." he laughed softly.

"Well," Connor muttered, "I guess we should be going home, Penn. I don't feel up to going inside the Exhibit anymore." I nodded, sensing that Connor was really upset and felt like spending the rest of the day in the dark or some solitude- bearing place.

"-Wait!" I suddenly remembered. "Group picture. You know, for back at home."

We got against the brick wall of the Art Exhibit. I in the middle, pulled out my trusty digital and held it out in front of us. "Take off your shades, guys," I instructed, "so everyone knows who you are." After they did, I waited for a moment, then clicked the button.

"What was that for?" Joe asked after I took the picture.

"She wants to gain popularity at school, " Con snorted.

I nudged him playfully. "Yeah, we're gonna flaunt it!" The others laughed.

I shoved my hands in my pockets. "Well, see y'all tomorrow." Connor added a "later" as he flipped his shades back on.

"Bye." Nick waved as they turned and walked towards the Exhibit. "-Wait," he said suddenly, "here." He handed me his sunglasses. "So you don't blind yourself next time you get caught in a situation." He smiled. I rolled my eyes and put them on.

"Check it, I got Nick Jonas' sexy glasses!" I giggled.

Nick smiled again and wrinkled his nose adorably. "I got like, six hundred of them back at home. Knock yourself out."

Connor and I laughed, then waving and saying goodbye once more, we departed.
♠ ♠ ♠
ch. 10. SMILE FOR THE PAPARAZZI, BITCHESSSS!!! [and not in an offending way, might I add]

I lost a subscriber DX

Ah well.

This one sound rushed too, they all do to me, but I hope y'all still like it.

PS: I got a boyfriend :DDDDD *celebration dance* And happy thanksgiving.
Let me be thankful by y'all commenting ;)