‹ Prequel: The Encounter

The Dearly Departed

The 'Blood Ball'

The next night, upon my arrival, he walked out and greeted me in the fully lit moonlit night.

“I forgot to ask you,” he hesitantly said, “What is your name?”

“Chezerae, and how about you?” I looked at him in a most perplexed manner and continued, “You do have a name, don’t you?”

“I do but it's very embarassing.”

“Does it look like I would care, so please, just tell me.”

“My name, bestowed upon me by my father is, Demetreus.”

“That is not an embarrassing name at all. It will fit in.”

“Fit in?”

“Yes, we are going to the annual ‘Blood Ball’.”

“But I, I am not even dressed for an evening out, let alone a ball.”

“Then, upon our arrival in Transylvania, we’ll get us both something nice to wear.”

“Alright then, what are we waiting for, let us go to the-, wait, did you say Transylvania?”

“Yes, why?”

“How will we get there?”

“We fly. That’s how, now let’s stop the jibber-jabber and go to the ‘Blood Ball’. It ends at dawn.”

When we arrived in Transylvania, when all the world slept there were colours, colours absolutely everywhere.


“It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before.” Demetreus said in an astounding voice.

“Now, let’s stop gawking at all the pretty maidens and get you something to wear.”


We walked through and through the brightly festive streets and found the store I was looking for.

“Go on, go in.”

Demetreus took a large breath and walked into the store. He walked around and finally he found something. He walked to the back to try it on and when he came out, he almost took my breath away. He was dressed in a jet black tuxedo that complimented his icy silver eyes, and under the tuxedo jacket was a deep purple shirt that amplified his pure white smile. I suppose I was gawking for he raised an eyebrow and said in a cocky tone, “I know I’m beautiful, now it’s your turn.”

I shook my head in disbelief and replied, “Oh . . . right.”

I looked for awhile until I found the perfect dress. I gasped at the marvelous sight.
The skirt of the dress was a deep purple, much like the one that Demetreus was wearing, and the corset top of the dress was a jet black that had gold embellishments on it.

It took us just awhile but we made it to the ‘Blood Ball’ and oh the sights, the music, and the fun we had. I wished it all would never end.

“This has been the best ‘Blood Ball’ ever.” I thought to myself as Demetreus and I danced a fiery tango.

“How often are there dances like this?”

“Dances? These are much more than dances. But they occur once a month, perhaps. It all depends on the royal family. The Dracula’s.”

“Oh, I see then.”

We danced the night away with a variety of dances. The tango, Viennese waltz, a foxtrot, the quick step, the rumba, and my favorite, the cha-cha but we ended the night with a quick waltz-like dance to the Hungarian Dance No. 5 by Johannes Brahms.

After our affair with the night Demetreus and I returned to our beloved Maine and feasted on un-expecting animals until the night grew old and the sun began to rise.