‹ Prequel: The Encounter

The Dearly Departed

Demetreus' Secret Love

After our night time festivties, Demetreus and I returned to his home.

"What will happen to me?" Demetreus asked me as we walked to his front door.

"You know exactly what will happen to you. Just let it happen, don't fight it and it will all be fine."

"But what if someone finds out?"

"As long as you lie low, no one will find out."

He opened his door and led me inside. Just like, as if the beginning were happening all over again, I went upstairs to his room. He didn't know that I had left him and walked silently up the stairs to his room, but I did. I undressed myself and laid on his bed in a most provocative manner. When he finally realized that I wasn't downstairs with him he came to his room.

"C'mon, you know that you want it."

"But I just met you."

"Who cares, it's not like you've got anything to lose remeber, no matter what diease you could contract from me, you're still going to live forever."

From the look in his eyes I could see that he was burning with fury that he wasn't letting himself go, but just then his eyes got wide and I looked him up and down, now he truly wanted it. He ripped off his shirt and gave a sensual but sinister look. I got up and took off his pants. We walked backward kissing and touching each other. When we got to the bed, he lay on top of me now lightly caressing my neck, then my chest, now bosom. I slightly started to get up. I pushed him off of me and 'traded' places with him, if you will. I was on top of him moving ever so slightly back and forth then everything got faster everything got louder. He grabbed one of my breasts and moaned. Then he pushed me off of him. Startled, I fell to the other side of the bed,

"What? Am I not good enough for you or something?"

"No, it's not that, I already have a lover."

"I don't care, and apparently neither do you 'cause you're making loveto me, and besides, in three days they'll report you dead or missing and you won't have anything to worry about okay."

"I just feel like I'm betraying him . . . . I mean her!"

"Him? You're gay?!"

"No, well yes but I do have feelings for you, but not 'those' kinds of feelings."

"Oh, well then I guess I might as well be going then."

"No, please don't. I lo-"

"You know what? Save it. I'm leaving."

I started to get my clothes on when all of a sudden the front door opened and then slammed shut again.

"He's home. Hurry and leave or hide and I'll try and distract him."

My hands were shaking violently, and then I blacked out, hitting the cold, hard floor. I could hear everything that was going on but I had to use my imagination to see what was happening.

"Demetreus? How could you?"

"I-I can explain, it's not what you think it is, I swea-"

"You can explain a half naked women on our bedroom floor?"

"Well, not exactly but please."

I heard foot-steps and then I felt Demetreus' breath against my neck, he whispered into my ear, "It will all be okay."

Then the next thing I knew I felt a hard hit on my head and heard screams of pure anguish, fear and pain. I could still feel my body shaking violently against the hard wood flooring, but I couldn't move. When my body finally stopped tremmoring I could hardly see, it was all a blur. When I had finally got my sight back I saw the body laying in a pool of blood. I gasped for breath and knelt down beside the body.

"This can't be happening."

Just then I looked up and saw Demetreus standing, looking out the window. When he turned and looked at me I was terrified. His eyes were buring with anger, and were a brilliant bright red and he had blood oozing from his mouth. I couldn't move. He turned into something that couldn't be explained, but whatever he was, he wasn't one of us. I turned to run but when I turned around there he was, staring deep into my soul, filling me with terror.

"Demetreus, please don't do this."

"You won't die remeber, you're a vampire, you're already dead."

He said this in a singy-songy way tilting his head, but keeping his eyes steady on me, with every word. He gave me a smile that I'll never forget. It was like the devil had taken control of his body and his mind, never before had I seen this. When I turned my head over my shoulder to see where I was going I heard a loud "smack". When I turned back he was on the floor. His skin was a stark white. I didn't know what to do. I didn't dare call the ambulance. So I waited, I shut out the groans of pain and the smacking on the floor from his body shaking. Eventually I fell asleep. I knew it wasn't good, for morning was around the corner, so I crawled into the closet where there were no windows, but I feared for Demetreus. What was to happen to him when the sun arose? I didn't care at this point, I was too tired to care.