‹ Prequel: The Encounter

The Dearly Departed

The Evening After

I woke up abruptly the next night just as the sun was setting. I rubbed my eyes with the back of my hands and stretched languidly in a cat-like manner. When I was fully awake my memory was blank and I couldn't remember where I was but, when I walked out of the closet and saw Demetreus in fetal position laying on the floor with scorch marks all over his body from the sun and looked to my right and saw the body of his 'lover' in the pool of dried, coagulated, caked on the floor blood, everything from the night before came back to me. The 'Blood Ball', making love to Demetreus, everything. The breath was literally taken right out of me when everything came back to me. I felt dizzy, so I sat on the bed and leaned my back against the head board. I stared at the blank white-ish coloured wall and went into a sort of trace but, when I shook myself out of it I noticed that Demetreus was gone. I immediately jumped off the bed and ran down the stairs. When I reached the bottom of the steps I saw Demetreus sitting at the dining room table with his head in his hands. As I stood there looking at him he glanced up at me and said,

"It's bout time you woke up. Shouldn't you be going home?"

"No, not without you. I won't leave, why did you leave the room?"

"Because I felt like it."

"Alright then."

"Yeah. Why won't you leave without me?"

"Because," I couldn't think of anything to say, all I knew was that if I left without him I would forever feel incomplete, "I don't know, I just want you to come back to Transylvania with me. We could live in the abandoned castle atop Ice Peak. Its the greatest castle you'll have ever seen."

"I can't. I have a life here in Maine."

What he said made me feel so frustrated all I wanted to do was scream at him, "No! No you don't! What do I have to do to get you to understand that you don't exist in the mortal world anymore?"

"Nothing! I get it, I just could never manage leaving Maine. I grew up here, it's the only place that I've ever known."

I spun around and turned my back towards him, "Fine then, I'll leave if that's what you want."

I started walking toward the door, but when I got to the door I stopped, opened it and let out a sigh that made it sound like I was crying and when I got no response to my actions from Demetreus I looked over my shoulder and told him, "I will be back for you." Then, after I left him with my last words for this night, I walked out the door and slammed it behind me and returned to Transylvania.