The Tearing Sound Of Love Notes

I.D Picture.

The boy from my dream or as the other boy called him, Gerard, looked up and waved. He eyes caught mine for a second before looking away. "No way!" I thought. The bell signaling the first class of the day snapped me out of my thoughts. "Shit, I don't even have my schedule! How long have I been standing here?" I mentally yelled at myself. I finally made it to the office after a group of giggling preps sent me in the wrong direction, but thankfully the janitor led me the right way. I walked up to the front desk and the woman looked up at me and smiled. "Hello. What can I do for you?" she asked. "I'm new. My name is Raven Woods." "Alright here is your information, just go back to Miss Waynne and she will talk your I.D picture reall fast.

I smiled and said thank you before walking over to find Miss Waynne. "Hello, I need my picture taken please." I said smiling at her. She rolled her eyes and got up pointing to a little gray spot in the wall with a camera in front of it. I set down my backpack and stood in front of the square of gray. "Okay-" sh began. I cut her off, "Oh no, I have to sneeze!" "Well come on, I don't have all day and neither do you." she said placing her hand on her hip. The feeling went away and I told her it was okay now. "On the count of three. 1, 2, 3!" "ACHOOO!!!!" Of course. Just my freaking luck. I sneezed just as she took the picture. She smiled as she handed me my I.D. My face was all twisted up. "No way! Argh. Can I have a new one?" I asked. She shook her head and started laughing before sitting back at her desk. "What a way to start my day." I muttered.

I looked down at my schedule.
1. Algebra 2
2. Econ
3. Chemistry
4. Photography
5. English 4
6. Art

"Awesome, two art classes!" I thought as I looked for my first class. Finally I got to it. The day went by pretty smoothly until art. I walked into my last class of the day. I stopped as I entered the door, waiting to ask the teahcer if their was assigned seats. I was starting to loose my patience when someone bumped my backpack off my shoulder. I turned around, having the intention to yell at the person but all of my anger vanished when those olive eyes stared into my sky blue ones for the seond time today, not including my dream.