The Tearing Sound Of Love Notes

"I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry," he said starting to walk away. "I'm Raven!" I called after him. He turned around and his olive eyes seemed to glow, "I'm Gerard." The beel rung and I shrugged my shoulders sitting at a random desk. "Alright class my name is Mr. Glassen. I've assigned you seats so listen up..." I started to zone out until I heard. "...and Raven and Gerard in the back table." I grabbed my stuff and headed to the back where Gerard was already sitting. I sat down next to him and smiled. He smiled back and the leason began.

"Dad! I'm home!" I yelled as I walked through the front door. "In here honey!" my dad yelled. It sounded like it was coming from his office. I made my way down the hallway glancing at a few family photos. I stopped at one of my mom with her pregnant belly, with me inside of course, and mt dad smiling widely for the camera with the beach in the background. I smiled and headed into my dad's office. "Hey daddy." I said as I plopped into a plush chair in front of his desk. He smiled up from his laptop, "How was your honey?" I smiled, "Great. What story are you working on now?" My dad was a writer. He has had a couple of books published. "Hmm, well you will have to find out." he said grinning. I shook my head and got up out of the chair going to get something to drink.