The Ipod Incident...


Jennifer woke to the incessant buzzing emmitting from her alarm, she kept it on the other side of the room so she would have to get up to turn it off. Not that it helped. She would just climb back into bed and fall asleep again anyway. As she lay there, staring at the ceiling, wondering what would await her at anathor day of that tormented asylum of boredom, she decided she might as well get up.
"jam, or peanut butter?"
came the voice of her mother from the kitchen as she dragged herself out of bed.
"im not hungry"
Jennifer shouted back. The footsteps on the hallway tiles told her that her mother thought otherwise.
"Here we go..."
Jennifer thought as her mother reached her door.
Jennifer hated being called Jennifer, she would'nt object when she was called it but she far prefered Jenny. Her mother continued,
"Are you feeling ok? are you being bullied at school?"
She went on with all the typical questions, Jenny objected to all of them although she was right on atleast two counts. She was'nt ok, and she was being bullied at school, but she didnt want to let her mother know this, that would only make the problem worse.
"No mum, everythings ok"
replied Jenny. She threw on her black and white stockings, and a black miniskirt, got her chucks (chuck taylor's) out of the cupboard and put on her nightmare before christmas top.
That was about the limit of her fashion at school, anything more and she would have more than the emophobes to deal with. She wore her red contact lenses to school once and her metalwork teacher almost took to them with a pair of pliers.
Pretty strict for a mufty school eh?