Don't Take My Brother

There is one phrase Gerard will repeat three times in his life, in different situations and for different reasons, but in the end, it's Mikey who will end up getting hurt (I'll take the fall, for you). Based loosely on Tim McGraw's 'Don't Take The Girl.'
  1. Just Trying To Be Cool
    "...why does Gerard hate me? I don't hate him," he heard Mikey say sadly, and for a moment, he felt a twinge of regret from his words earlier, but the moment passed quickly, and then it was gone.
  2. Quality Time Gone Wrong
    Spilled soda and stale popcorn should have been the worst things that could have happened... should have been.
  3. Pretty Little Boys that moment all he felt was fear: fear for what they were going to do to him, fear for Gerard, fear for their lives, and as tears welled behind his closed lids the phrase repeating in his head was, ‘Gerard, what have you gotten yourself into?’
  4. The Definition Of Hate
    “I. Hate. You.” Gerard whispered, emphasizing each syllable of the spiteful sentence; and in that terrible moment, Mikey almost believed he meant it.
  5. All Grown Up, All Pushed Down
    ...his life was going nowhere; he might as well die before he could embarrass himself further in front of God or something.
  6. The Anakin Complex
    "We need you," he imagined the tears streaming down his mother's face, a face that was faded in his memory, "Mikey needs you here. He needs you more than anyone else."
  7. After Five Long Years
    A little over two hours after he received his mother’s message, stuffed a few belongings into a backpack and bought a ticket to the next plane to New Jersey, he was back home.
  8. Room 814
    The door looked exactly like all the others, and he would have passed by it without a second glance. But not now, now that he knew what lay inside...
  9. The Most Wicked, Tangled Webs
    “What happened?” He tried to keep the tremble from his voice, which was hard because at the corner of his eye he saw Mikey’s arm dangling inches from him, hooked up to wires and machines.
  10. A Soliloquy In Silence Minor
    Gerard speaks, and Mikey listens... maybe. [a/n: The people who don't comment make me really sad. So please do? I work hard on this story... Thanks.]
  11. Another Moment Gone
    What if...? [a/n: Thank you to the wonderful people who beta-ed this chapter, a.k.a. Sherlock and A Melancholy Autumn, as well as to everyone who commented.]
  12. Don't Take My Brother
    A last request. [a/n: Beta-ed by the incredible Sherlock. Will be the last chapter unless I get persuaded to continue. And lastly, thank you.]