
Making Friends

Matt’s P.O.V

After Brian and I talked he went to bed. I decided to go and see Danny to let her out. I went into the living room and saw her fast asleep on the couch. As I took a closer look at her face I saw that she had tears stains on her cheeks. She must have cried herself to sleep, but why?

I looked at the TV and the news was on. Brian said something about her face being on TV. She must have seen her family. I know that she misses them. I turned the TV off and picked her up. She was so light in my arms. I put her in bed and watched her sleep for a few minutes. She was so beautiful to me. I left the upstairs apartment and I went to my room for some sleep.

Danny’s P.O.V

I woke up the next morning feeling shitty, I suddenly remembered why. A wave of sadness washed over me. I couldn’t help but miss my family more each day. It’s like being on a sinking ship, the water just keeps adding on and before you know it you’re under the ice cold water and you slowly start to drown.

That’s how I felt, I decided to take a shower and go downstairs, that’s if the door is unlocked. I took a quick shower and dressed in a simple t-shirt and jeans. I walked to the door and hesitantly opened it. I walked downstairs and heard some noise in the kitchen I walked into the kitchen to find Brian making food. I watched him for a few minutes before making myself known.

“Hey” I said and he jumped surprise at the noise. He turned and saw me, he gave me a warm smile and I returned it. “Hey, you want some?” he asked as he gestured to the food he was making. I shook my head, I haven’t been hungry lately. I got some orange juice out of the fridge and poured it into a cup. I sat down at the table and silently drank my orange juice.

Brian sat down across from me with a huge plate of food. How could one person eat all that? “So how are you? I mean for a kidnapped person?” he asked as he stuffed some eggs in his mouth. “I’m good, at least Matt isn’t a psycho” I said humorously. He shook his head, “I’m not entirely sure about that” he said as he chuckled. We talked and joked around for a while. He seemed really nice, he reminded me so much of someone but I couldn’t seem to put my finger on it.

Matt’s P.O.V

I was walking down the stairs when I heard loud laughing coming from the kitchen. “.. I got your boyfriend, I got your Man” said Brian as I walked into the kitchen. I rolled my eyes. How many times was he going to tell this story? “She was so sad and I laughed so hard” he finished with a loud bark like laugh. I looked at Danny who had tears running down her face from laughing so much. I smiled, it was good to see her happy. “Well good morning early birds” I said as I entered the kitchen.

“How the hell is it early?” said Brian, “It’s like 11 o’clock” he said he looked at his watch. I laughed, “It’s early for me” I said as I sat next to Danny. She smiled at me before finishing her drink. I was happy to find them getting along.
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Yay! There's going to be a lot of updates! There's another update for Taken! COMMENTS?

Over and Out Captain!!!!