
A Day Out Part 2

It’s official. Matt and Brian are shopaholics. Those two were worse than a cheerleader with unlimited cash. We went into almost every store and they got me random things they thought I would look nice in. When I voiced out that they were worse then girls they both pitched their voices and started talking like girls.

Brian even put his hands on his hips and tapped his foot. I laughed at how dorky they were. I looked in my arms, I had about twenty bags with me and there was more with Matt and Brian. We decided that it was enough shopping for the day when I got the urge to go to the bathroom.

“Matt can we stop by the bathrooms first?” I asked. He looked at me a little suspiciously then nodded. They both followed me to the bathroom area. The place was completely empty the guys waited out side the bathroom as I went in. I went in and did my business when I heard something that made my heart jump and speed up. “Mom I’m coming home don’t worry…I do miss Danny she’s my best friend mom” I heard the voice of my cousin say. I opened the door and came face to face with Annie.

My best friend, my cousin and crazy accomplice, “Oh sorry miss” she said as I bummed into her. “Ann?” I croaked as my voice broke. She turned back to me and stared at me. Just then tears began welling up in her eyes and she realized who I was. I jumped in her arms and we both broke out crying. Just then the door burst open and in came Brian and matt. “Who’s’ she?” asked Brian as he pointed to her.

Just then Ann asked me the same thing, I hesitated to reply, just then realization hit her face. She looked at Matt and Brian with pointed glare and she got in front of me. “Stay away from her creep” she yelled. Suddenly Matt grabbed her and put is hand over her mouth. “Stay quiet” he told her harshly.

“Bri get Danny we’re out of here” he said as he began dragging us to the car outside. I don’t even know how we had gotten out to the car without being seen. We all got into the car and we quickly drove away. “Matt would you like to tell me why you just kidnapped my cousin?” I asked with angry in my voice.

It was one thing to kidnap me; it was another to kidnap my cousin. “Because she saw you which means she’s going to tell’ he said as he drove at top speed to get home. “Okay genius just wondering WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING? NOW I’M PART OF THE KIDNAPING TOO!” he yelled at Matt. “Well talk about this when we get home” he said as he drove up to the street.
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Sorry it's a little short! But at least it's something! Comments???

Over and Out Captain!!!