
The Next Morning

Why is it that in my whole life I have never felt this feeling? I liked it, it made me feel…..strangely different. Not too different, just a little. I was laying on Matt’s bare chest looking out the window. It was one of those moments where you just wanted to lay still and enjoy every feeling. This must have been the greatest feeling ever. I was happy for two reasons, one Matt and I finally made love and it was the greatest things I’ve ever experienced.

He was so sweet and he made me feel like no one else could make me happier than he made me. The second reason was that we finally came to an agreement about my family. As my smile grew at the thought of everything that had happened last night I turned to see Matt awake and smiling at me. “How long have you been awake?” I asked him with a giggle. He chuckled, “Long enough to see you reminisce about last night” he said.

I gasped, “How did you know that’s what I was thinking about. I could have been thinking of something else or someone else” I said with an evil look. It was his turn to be shocked as he grabbed me and pined me underneath him. “And might that sexy someone be….oh say….me?” he said with a cute little smile. I scrunched up my face in thought. “Hmmm, nope” I said.

Just then he began to tickle me. “Okay” I said as I cried from laughter. “You give up?” he asked with a large smile, with those two cute little dimples that made me melt every time I saw them. “Only to you” I said in a whisper as I gave him a small peck on the lips. “Just then his face turned serious. “Danni were you serious about last night…..when you said that if you had to… you’d leave?” he asked


Matt and I were on my bed kissing, when Matt pulled away breathless. “Danni, I love you…..I have since the moment I saw you. But I know that you miss your family” he said sadly. “I do miss my family Matt. I can’t stop thinking about them. I need to see them; I need to let them know that I’m okay, that I’m alive. If I have to I’ll keep trying to see them” I said as I turned my face away. I couldn’t bare to see his face, but I couldn’t help it. I took a glace at his face. Heartbroken and sadness plagued it.

“I know, but I can’t let you go” he said as his voice hitched. I felt tears begin to build in my eyes. “Maybe… we could work something out” he said after a second. “Like what?” I asked. “What if you sent a video to your parents telling them that your fine and safe, and that you want to be here” he said with hope in his eyes. “Then they’d leave us alone. They’d know that your okay.

You can call them from a cell phone… and maybe… if everything goes alright. You could see them” he said with a smile. My mind felt like it had a shit load of pressure taken off. I smiled, “It’ll work” I said as I jumped into his arms and gave him a hug. He pressed hi lips to mine in a passionate kiss.

End of Flashback

“I love you Matt, and that’s all I need right now” I said as I gave him a love filled kiss. I wanted him to know that I really did love him.
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Merry Christmas everyone! Happy Holidays! I hope you like the update! Be nice and comment!

Over and Out Captain!!!