
Cop Cars

Danni’s P.O.V

Okay, calm down take deep breaths. How did I end up here? I was currently in the back of a police car being taken home to my family. I didn’t want this. The day started out with me waking up in Matt’s arms and then going to the store to get a few things so I could make Matt a special dinner…..okay half of going to the store was not only for food….I was going to pick up a pregnancy test. I should have had my period by now but I didn’t get it.

At first when I realized that I didn’t get my period I was a little afraid I mean I can’t get pregnant…not yet at least. How would I explain it to Matt if I was? What would he do? I wonder if Matt found out by now that I wasn’t coming home. My face began to get warm at the thought of not seeing him. My eyes filled with tears at the thought of not ever seeing him. I was pulled from my own sadness by Ann’s sniffling.

Tears were silently falling down her cheeks as she stared out the window. I grabbed her hand and held it in mine. Even though she knew Brian less than I knew Matt I could tell that she was in love with him from the very start. “It’s going to be alright” I told her, I was trying to convince myself that everything was going to be okay. I hope Matt was okay.

I can’t believe that that bag boy recognized us…….Wait a second!!! I pulled my wallet out form my back pocket and saw that I had Matt’s credit card. I couldn’t let anyone see this or else they’ll know it was him that took me. Ann saw the card and stared at it. We looked up to see if the two cops in front were looking at us. They were too busy watching the road. “Put it in your Pants” said Ann.

“No I have to get rid of it” I said, “No if somebody finds it they’ll wonder how it got here and they’ll go looking for Matt” she said. I sighed; I stretched out a little and managed to slip the credit card in my bra. Nobody will be looking there so I knew it would be safe. “Hey that’s a good idea” said Ann as she pulled out a crumpled picture.

“What’s that?” I asked she showed it to me. It was a picture of Brian and Matt in front of some bus. “I was looking threw Brian’s stuff when I found it and decided to keep it” she whispered. After I took a final glance at Matt’s handsome face, Ann hid the picture in her bra too.

Brian’s P.O.V

Matt and I could do nothing. All we did for the rest of the day was drink. We each had a bottle of some sort of Alcohol in our hands. I missed Ann so much it hurt just to breath. All I kept thinking of was how I never got a chance to tell her that I loved her. I know that I haven’t known her long…but she was just so amazing.

The first day I met her she was so different and smart. Sure she was scared but she tried to hide it with bravery and smart wit. I don’t know about Matt but I was going to go and get Ann…I was going to find her and tell her that I loved her.
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Okay finally i got another chapter out! It official I'm sick! But don't worry i still write! Comments make my head feel better so...please comment!

Over and Out Captain!!!