

Danni’s P.O.V

Home…..It doesn’t feel like home anymore. It feels like remembering a dream it was kind of fuzzy and not all there. When we pulled up to my street I started remembering all the memories I had of this place. And as we pulled into my drive way, there stood our family, but it was strange because for the past few months all I’ve known of family was Matt. Every time I think of family Matt’s face is the first that comes to mind. There they were, mom, dad and my brothers.

Aunts and uncles whom I’ve barely ever seen were standing in the drive way with happy faces waiting for Ann and I to ‘come home’. The police man opened my door and let me out. As soon as both my feet were set on the ground I was pulled into a bone crushing hug by my mom whom looked the same as she did the day I was kidnapped. Her face was flushed with happiness and she had tears of joy tracing her cheeks.

I couldn’t help but smile. I know that for a while all I wanted was to be with them but now I’m not so sure. I love them, but will I ever see Matt again? I smiled and hugged my family and assured them a thousand times over that I was okay, that I was safe now. Ann and I were pulled into the house, stuffed with food and squeezed for answers.

All the same, “Where were you? Who kidnapped you? What did they look like? All while the cops kept a close eye on us. Of course my mother wouldn’t let them leave because in her eyes they were the hero’s that rescued her only daughter. Ann and I had a silent agreement not to say anything a fake the worst case of amnesia ever. Soon everyone left and it was just my family, Ann and my aunt and uncle. “Do you guys mind if Ann stays with me tonight?” I asked my parents hesitantly.

My mother looked between Ann and me then she gave us a smile. “Sure she can” she said, Ann and I exchanged a quick look at each other before going upstairs. We both got ready for bed and quickly slipped into my bed. It was big enough for both of us to sleep in and I didn’t want to be alone.

It felt weird not hearing Matt’s voice lull me to sleep or to fell his muscular arms around my tiny frame. “It feels weird” I voiced my thoughts out loud for Ann. “I know, I’m used to Brian bitching about me taking all the sheets….now it’s just too quiet” she said as she took more of the sheets for herself. I rolled my eyes and tried to get comfortable but it seemed that I was doomed for restless sleep.

Matt’s P.O.V

Since the girls were gone Brian decided to go home and be by himself for a while. I couldn’t blame him. I wanted to be alone too, I was tired but I didn’t want to go to sleep because it would remind me too much of her. It would hurt too much, but as my body was refusing to stay up I decided to go to her bed and sleep there for the night. I quietly undressed and got under the covers. I pulled Danni’s pillow towards my face and buried my face in it, taking in her smell, the one thing that really felt like her. I couldn’t sleep that night or the next few nights.
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Comment and Subscribe please! Sorry i haven't updated anything in a while. My computer is still being retarded and i have tons of school stuff going on. I'm updating Love The Girl too so check that out. I'll try and update again if not tomorrow then the day after! If you read my other stories tell me what you want me to update! Comment make things come faster so please do!

Over and Out Captain!