
Finding Love Again

Matt’s P.O.V

Danni, my Danni she was here.......and she was pregnant with my baby! For months I dreamed about seeing her and she was right in front of me at first I thought it was a dream but when I touched her cheek. The warmth and softness of it could only be true. When I studied her stomach and saw that there was a bump I immediately knew. When I asked her if it was mine, I already knew the answer but I needed to know.

I needed to see her confirm it. When she gave that cute little nod I felt like everything was right again. The happiness that grew in my chest was indescribable. Before I knew it before I could even pull her into my arms…she ran. “Matt who was that?” asked Val as she put her arm on my shoulder. I shrugged it off; the only reason why I was with Val was to forget my sadness for Danni. I thought that if I go back to something that was familiar and right at one time then maybe it wouldn’t hurt so much. I couldn’t let her get away not like that time.

Danni’s P.O.V

I didn’t know where I was going but I had to get away from here, away from the pain of watching Matt happy with someone else. I ran all the way to the parking lot before I heard my name being called. “Danni, please wait” I turned and saw Matt. He was running up to me but I just kept walking. I couldn’t face him again. Suddenly I felt him grab my shoulders and turn me around.

I tired to get free, but he was too strong. He kept me in my place. I just stayed still and waited for him to say something, but he was silent. I looked up at his handsome face. It was filled with sadness, I didn’t know if it was for me or for the situation but I knew that I hated seeing matt like that. “Why did you run?” he asked as he still kept a firm grip on my shoulders. I studied his beautiful hazel eyes before I spoke.

“Because you love someone…..and I was afraid of seeing you again” I said forwardly. There was no lying to him. “Your right I do love someone. I’m just wondering why she’s running when she know that I love her….and why she’s afraid of me….when all I want is to hold her and kiss her and make her mine again?” he said as he pulled me closer to him. Our chests touching and his familiar warmth, his sent and everything about him surrounded me.

“Matt” we turned to see one of the roadies running up to him. “Matt your on stage in 5 minutes you need to get back” said the roadie with long hair clearly concerned as to where matt ran off to. “Okay, just give me a minute” said Matt frustrated. The roadie started running back. “Danni…please say something” he said as he looked at me in desperation. How could I phase what I wanted to say to him when it was so much? So I did the only thing I could to help him understand.

Matt’s P.O.V

She caught my lips with hers in a furious kiss that said everything. The longing, the pain, the loneliness, the love and the need. It was put into one kiss that I would forever remember. She didn’t need to say anything because that kiss explained it all. I wrapped my arms around her tiny frame. We pulled away for air and just stood their drinking in the pure oxygen and staring at each other in disbelief. “Please stay in the changing rooms and wait for me” I said as I pulled her close again. I wanted to talk to her but I had to do the show first. I was on cloud nine and nothing could bring me down. I was happy again, not that fake happy, but truly happy. "Hey Danni.....are you ever going to tell me why you call Ann Mrs. Morning wood?"

The EnM
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I finally ended midterms and decided I need to catch up with my writing! Please comment the end I hope you all liked the story and enjoyed reading it! Read my other stories!

Over and Out Captain!!!!