
It's Going to be Alright

Danny’s P.O.V

I was walking home from work since my stupid brother got the car today, but it fine with me I always loved to walk. Besides my house really wasn’t that far. It was a nice day out and everything was as it was suppose to be. I began to hum the song seize the day by Avenged Sevenfold.

They were one of my favorite bands and I went to see them a few months ago. I had so much fun, that night was perfect. I kicked a rock as I hummed, but after a few minutes I realized someone was following me. It sounded like a car, and it was following me slowly. Great, just don’t turn around and keep walking, I told myself.

I pulled my jacket closer to me and walked a little faster. The car drove a little faster as I got further. I suddenly turned a corner to try and lose this person but they just followed me anyway. I started to run and the car followed me. All that went threw my mind was this wasn’t good. All of a sudden being distracted from being chased I hadn’t realized I led myself into a dead end.

I finally turned to look at the car and saw it stopped a few feet away from me. It was a Grey Escalade and it looked new. The engine turned off and I looked towards the driver’s seat to see a man wearing aviator glasses. I watched as he slowly got out. I looked around the dirty garbage filled street frantically for a way out, all while Oh Shit! Ran threw my mind over and over again.

I turned around and I quickly tried to climb the brick wall. Suddenly I felt someone tugging on my legs. I looked down and saw the guy grabbing at my legs pulling me down. I tried kicking him with all my strength but it didn’t work. He soon got frustrated and with one great tug pulled me down and grabbed me.

What the fuck this guy was strong. I saw him pull me towards his car and even though it was great car I didn’t intend on seeing the inside of it. I couldn’t yell for help because I was stupid enough to walk into the deserted part of town. I struggled as his arms tightened around me.

“Shhh is going to be alright” he said, “Ya, I believe you” I said sarcastically. Ya, everything was going to be alright until I get raped and chopped to pieces. He threw me into the back seat with incredible force. He grabbed something from the front seat and quickly covered my mouth and nose with it. I realized it was a cloth, but that was my last thought as everything went black.
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2nd update! Please comment if you like it!!!!

Over and Out Captain!!!!