

Matt’s P.O.V

I had it all planed out. I finally got her, I couldn’t believe it. She looked even more beautiful than the last time I saw her. After I had knocked her out I injected her with some drugs so she wouldn’t wake up during the long trip. I looked out to the road, with my hands firmly on the steering wheel. Every few minutes I would turn my head and look at her for a few seconds before continuing to drive.

She looked so peaceful, probably in her own little dream world. Where she wasn’t kidnapped, where she was still at home, after the long 14 hour journey from Denver we were finally here, Huntington Beach. I looked back at her sleeping figure as I made my way home. I had everything set up for her, she wont need anything because I provided everything she’d ever want.

I pulled up to the big security gate and typed in the security code. After getting famous the guys and I had to get some extra protection. I pulled into the garage and turned off the car. I felt so relived we made it this far without any complications. I let out a sigh, thankful to be finally home. After 14 hours of no sleep and very little stops I was finally going to get some rest.

I was used to being up for long periods of time because the band tours so much and we’re always on the road. I got out of the car and opened the back door to where Daniel was sleeping peacefully. I grabbed her and cared her bridal style threw my house all the way up to the top floor which happened to be the attic.

The attic was the length of the house and I refurnished it. For all people knew it was just an old attic filled with junk, but I made it into a little apartment. It had a bedroom, a living room, a bathroom, a little kitchen filled with snacks and a little library. I wasn’t some sick pervert that was going to make her sleep in my bedroom. I wanted her to be comfortable. I made sure that her room had clothes

I thought would fit her and the living room had a plasma TV, DVD and a stereo. I got her perfumes, makeup and everything a girl could ever want. I carried her to her bedroom and lay her gentle on the bed. I took off her shoes and pulled the covers over her. I kissed her forehead softly, and in those few seconds cherished the closeness.

I took one last look before I closed her door and left the attic. I locked the front door of the attic so she couldn’t get out. I smiled to myself for actually pulling it off. I slowly made my way to my room. I was exhausted, and I intended on getting some sleep. I lazily removed my shirt, shoes and pants and crawled into bed and fell into a long awaited sleep.



Living room
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Hope you like it! it took me a while! Please comment if you want more!!!

Over and Out Captain!!!!