Beyond My Dreams

chapter 1

Katy's POV

"Yes!" I shouted down the phone to my agent, practically jumping off my couch. I'd just been given the best news ever. I, Katy Perry was going to be on tour with Paramore!
Not only were they one of my favourite bands, i absolutely adore Hayley, talent AND good looks, God took his time with that one.

"Yeah, sure, of course i'll be there!" This was totally awesome, we meet up this afternoon to prepare for the tour etc.
At that i hung up the phone and leaned back on the couch, kicking my legs in the air, i was really going to be on the same stage as Hayley Williams.

I stood up and ran upstairs, if i was meeting the band, i was looking my best. I ran through my bedroom to my bathroom, kicking my shoes off on the way. I entered the bathroom pulling my jeans off. Turning on the shower, i continued getting undressed and stepped in.

I was totally extatic, i was rushing in the shower, purely because, the quicker i got out of the shower, the quicker i got in the car to go and meet my agent, and the girl i've been crushing on since i can remember.

I stepped out of the shower, wrapped a towel around my naked body and walked out to my bedroom where i chose an outfit from my closet.
I chose three, now the dress was nice but screamed 'overdressed' at me, the jeans and low cut top were adorable, but were a bit too casual.... My mind was made up and i was wearing my black skirt and white corset with my black heels.

I ran downstairs and straight out of the door to my car. With the key in the egnition i was rearing to go. I raced down the roads towards the record studio where I was meeting my agent and Paramore.

This is going to be awesome!
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Hey everyone!
First chapter, not very long but hope you like it. XD
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