Beyond My Dreams

chapter 10

Hayley's POV

"Yes! In your face Zac!" Josh shouted jumping on the couches.

"Aaw man! I so should've won that!" Zac said, slumping himself on the couch in defeat while Josh and Jeremy taunted him.

Josh had just, once again, beaten Zac at guitar hero. I mean, surprise surprise, Josh is a guitarist. Zac should know this by now.

We sat down on the couch opposite Zac and Jeremy, Josh was still jumping around at this point.

"Okay Josh calm down, we have to talk."

"Oh god, they're bringing the girly talk to us, what do you need? A guys point of view on make up or something, because you know us guys are totally rubbish at all that i mean--"

"No Josh, sit down, me and Katy need to tell you something." I interupted, he obviousely saw i was being serious and he sat down on the couch next to Jeremy. As i was about to talk i felt Katy's grip tighten around my hand, she obviousely didn't know the boys would be completely cool with it.

"Okay, so me and Katy, we're together." I said grinning at the boys. It took a while for them to reply but Zac finally spoke.

"That is awesome!"

"Ha that's cool, welcome to the clan Katy!" Josh beamed.

"I'd give you the talk, you know, the whole, you hurt her you die, but i won't bother, well done guys, we're chuffed for you." Jeremy said in his, father of the clan voice.

Katy's griop loosened, she was smiling. I leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.

"Aaw" Zac said, he was always like this when i was with someone.

"Okay then, enough of all that, we need to beat Josh in guitar hero, his head's getting way to big." I said standing up. As i was about to take the second guitar from Zac, Katy stood and beat me to it.

"Let me have a try babe." Was all she said before starting the game. Josh was cocky as ever and took the challenge.

Surprisingly, Katy was winning. I was shocked, by the looks of it so were Zac and Jeremy, they were leaning into the tv screen intently.

"Oh yeah! Girl power always wins." Katy said as she won.

She turned around to see me laughing, she walked over to me and jumped on me. She was sitting on my lap, with my arms around her waist.

"I think i'm gonna grow to love her." Zac said before gloating to Josh about how he wasn't the best anymore.

"Hey! She's mine!" I shouted holding Katy tighter. Katy was smiling. She lifted my chin so that our lips were inches away and connected our lips for a soft kiss.
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hey everyone, just a bit of a filler.
but good news! ive been working on the plot XD
ive worked out a scene near the end, and i have no idea how im getting there, but oh well, it's gonna be fun =D