Beyond My Dreams

chapter 11

I woke up to see Hayley sleeping, we were in my bunk, my arms were around her waist holding her as close as possible and i could feel her steady breathing on my neck.

I looked over at the boy's bunks, they were empty. They boys were up and out of bed, on the wii i presume, probably trying to get good enough to beat me.

Everything was good on the bus, we were all happy, the boys were awesome and we got along well. But it was the outside world i was worried about, her fans, would they accept me? Us?

I looked down at my baby again, she looked so sweet while she was sleeping. She shifted a little and i smiled, pushing her hair behind her ears.

"Wake up sleepy heads!" Zac boomed running through the door.

I rolled my eyes and looked down at Hayley who was now sleepily smiling up at me.

"Hey babe." She mumbled.

"Good morning beautiful." I said back. She started to blush and got out of bed. I did the same and decided to get dressed.

When we were both fully dressed we walked out into the living area. The boys were all stood around.

"Come on guys! We wanna get out!" Zac said pouting.

"Yeah we've got a whole day to spend in Manchester, we don't move on to Liverpool until tonight." Jeremy shouted from the door.

The boys left before we had chance to speak. I looked at Hayley who was looking around the room.

"So what we gonna do all day?" I asked. She suddenly let out a smile.

"Come on, the boys and i know an awesome place to hang out in Manchester," She said smiling and taking my hand.

We walked through the center of Manchester hand in hand, enjoying a nice conversation about music until we reached a tall building. Hayley looked at me, grinned then lead me inside and over to the elevators. She pressed the highest number and we waited for a while to reach the top.

When we finally reached our destination, we were on the roof looking down on the whole city. The boys were already here and were sat in the corner of the roof. Josh had his guitar out and was playing a tune I'd never heard before. Hayley and i walked over and sat down. Hayley recognized the song straight away and started singing.

"Close your eyes and make believe, this is where you wanna be, forgetting all the memories, try to forget love, 'cause love's forgotten me. Well hey hey baby it's never too late, pretty soon you wont remember a thing, well I'll be as distant as stars, reminiscing your heart's been wasted on me..." She sang.

She finished the song, and i loved it, she was so talented, i could listen to her sing for hours.
After a while of us all singing, we decided to have a break, the boys started to talk amongst themselves and i walked over to the edge to get a better view of the city.

Hayley came over with me, it was a nice afternoon, but a bit cold, which was evident as Hayley was shivering.

"You cold?" I asked, watching her shiver.

"Just a little bit," She giggled.

I moved so that i was stood behind her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and rested my head on her shoulder. We fitted together perfectly. I could feel her shivering die down the longer i held her, and i knew she was getting warmer. I kissed her on the cheek and she turned round to face me.

We both leaned in to each other, our lips just centimeters away when my phone started to ring. The Bohemian rhapsody blared from my pocket, ruining the moment. We both giggled and i took my phone out, looking at the caller ID, i saw it was my best friend Sarah.

"Hey Saz!" I squealed down the phone.

"Hiya bubz, you reet?" She asked.

"I'm amazing thanks, you?"

"I'm hot! How's the tour going?"

"It's going great!" I squealed, "The music's amazing, the fans are awesome and i have the most amazing girlfriend i could ask for."

"Ooft, who's the lucky girl?" She asked sounding incredibly interested.

"Hayley Williams." I said back, smiling at Hayley as i said it.

"Oh my god! that's great news, I'm well chuffed for ya! I have to come and visit!"

"That sounds great, we're in Liverpool next if you wanna come?"

"That's hot bubz, see ya soon!"

I hung up the phone and looked at Hayley who was stood smiling. I walked back up to her and placed my hands on her hips.

"So, where were we?" I asked smiling. She put her hand under my chin, leading my head down to hers, until our lips connected.
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hey everyone! hope you enjoy this. it's based on a true storeh ; ) lmao
there ya go saz, at last lmao