Beyond My Dreams

chapter 12

Katy's POV

The tour bus was taking it's time, it seemed like forever and a day had passed since we got onto the bus. The bys as usual decided to kill time by playing Guitar Hero in the back, Hayley and I were sat on the laptop, checking fan mail and playing games more than anything.

The ride was silent, apart from the music fromt he game in the back and the occasional grunt and cheer from the boys.

Eventually the bus came to a halt in Liverpool. All of us ran off the bus as if it was about to blow up. We were all dying for fresh air and space. When I walked towards Hayley my phone rang again, picking up i heard the familiar bouncy tone of Sarah.

"Hiya bubwaa!" She shouted, well, squeeled down the phone.

"Hey Saz," I said more calm than her, "Great timing, we just pulled in." I said as Hayley grabbed my free hand and knotted her fingers with mine.

"Wheyy! I'm stood outside Costa!" She shouted. I turned around to see where Costa Coffee was from where we were standing, it was just across the street. Skimming the crowds i saw Saz's red hair. She saw me immediatly and started to jump un and down waving her free hand in the air. Hayley giggled at the sight and leant up to whisper, "I think I'll get along with her." I smiled at the notion and started walking towards Sarah.

The second my foot hit the pavement on her side of the road i was trapped in a warm embrace. Hayley stood back and giggled, as Sarah pulled away from me she turned round to face Hayley. A huge grin crept onto her lips. And with wide eyes she said,
"Soo... Is she a good kisser?" I rolled my eyes and grabbed Hayley's hand, dragging her off. Sarah followed giggling to herself.

We walked over to an arcade to find Josh, Zac and Jeremy all wasting money on the games.
"Hey guys, come on we're going to the hotel!" Hayley shouted across the arcade t get their attention. They looked over and ran towards us. Without saying a single word to either me or Hayley, Josh walked over to Sarah and introduced himself.

"Hey I'm Josh."

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A/N: okay sorry i haven't updated in well, i'd say a while but that's an understatement. I only updated becaus eof Rose, so Rose, here you go. ahaha. Keep reading, i like the plot of this story.