Beyond My Dreams

chapter 2

Katy's POV

The rate i was driving it's no surprise i reached the studio within ten minutes.
I got out of my car and started to walk at a rapid speed towards the door.
Damn Katy, walk normal, you don't want to look like a freak, act cool, she's a musician just like you.
Okay, i'm calm.

I opened the door and walked into the room where they were stood.
My first glance was at my agent who sensed my excitment and rolled his eyes towards Hayley and the band who were stood on the other side of the room.
I looked over and there and then my heart melted and i couldn't hold back my excitment.

"Oh my god! It's really you guys! I love your music so much!" Oh no, i did not just shout that. What the hell happened to act cool? I suddenly realised what i'd just said and stopped in my tracks.
I looked at the band, the guys didn't seem amused, Hayley giggled her oh so cute giggle and turned her head to the side.

Great, she can't even look at me. Why did i have to make an ass of myself?
Josh, Jeremy and Zac all walked off, probably to set up the gear.
Just as Hayley turned round to leave i tried to say something maybe to redeem myself, but nothing would come out of my mouth.
She walked off, and as she did i smacked myself in the face.
Why does this always happen to me?
I don't usually get nervous around girls, i'm usually quite confident.

I didn't speak to paramore much after that. My agent insisted i sort my stuff out for the tour and get ready to leave. With me getting my gear together, Paramore did the same and so there wasn't much reason for conversation, until we were all packed and had to discuss the times, the places, the flights, the tourbuses etc.

We were all sat in the lounge upstairs, above the recording studio. Me and Hayley were sat on one couch, the boys on the other and my agent was sat on the table writing stuff down.

"So what's happening with the tour buses?" My agent said breaking the silence that had been there for about ten minutes.

Everyone looked at each other and shrugged. Oh yeah, we're so good at organising stuff.

"I think it would be easier if we all had the same one, i mean it's only one extra person than normal, it would save on money and it would also save the planet." Hayley said quietly, making sure she made her point clear. I was so cute how she thought about the environment.

The guys looked at her, reading her expresion to check she was serious, then shrugged and nodded. She then turned to me.

"Cool with you?" She asked considerately, i knew what i wanted to say, by all means i wanted to say hell yes, but once again nothing would come out.

"Erm - Yh - Yeah, fine with me." I stuttered, smiling as i finally got it out. She smiled and looked back at the guys.

"Sorted!" She smiled. Great, not only have i made a total ass of myself, now we're sharing tourbuses. This tour was turning out to be not as fun as i expected. I don't know if i should be happy or scared about sharing tour buses.

A few hours went by with us discussing everything. The first gig was in Manchester in England, Paramore had played there before, they said the Manchester Apollo was an amazing venue, and the fans there are always a good audience. I was dreading it, i'd never been to Englad before.

We left the studio all packed and ready at about 7:00pm. We made our way to the airport so that we'd be in Manchester by morning.
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Not really much in this chapter. sorry.
but it will get interesting XD
If you have any Ideas/Criticisms tell me!