Beyond My Dreams

chapter 3

Hayley's POV

Well i must say, Katy seemed happy to see us. I was glad to meet her, but by the look on the band's faces, i thought i might look a bit stupid if i jumped up and hugged her.
When they walked away, i was going to walk right after them, but couldn't. I don't know why, i just couldn't move from the spot.

I looked at Katy, trying to keep a straight face when she realised that the band weren't impressed with her imaturity, i don't think i'd ever seen somebody's face turn so red.
I walked off after that and just giggled to myself.

We all got packed and sorted everything out, it was strange, i was really excited about sharing a tour bus with Katy. In a way, i kinda felt sorry for her though, god help her if somebody gives me skittles, she'll wish she had never agreed to come on tour with us.

The ride to the airport wasn't that long, everybody sat in silence on the way. We were going to Manchester, i'd been there a few times, the crowd was awesome. The whole atmosphere when your on stage there is immense, it takes a while to forget. I was already excited.

When we arrived at the airport, i had a massive craving for coffee and skittles.

"Hey guys, can we go to Starbucks? I want coffee." They all rolled their eyes, they obviousely didn't want to come. Great.

"I'll come, i'm gasping for a drink," Katy said stepping forward.

"Awesome!" I exclaimed, half squeeling. I grabbed her hand and dragged her to Starbucks. When we arrived i asked Katy what she would like to drink, she said a Late and i got the same.

We sat in a little alcove in the corner of the room and tok the oppertunity to get to know each other a little. We discussed music, family etc. I learned quite alot about her. I found out that she grew up in California. Her family is religious. One of her biggest musical influences is Queen. Her real name is Katy Hudsen, but she changed it to her mother's maiden name, Perry because it was too close to Kate Hudsen.

It was an interesting conversation, but for some reaosn it turned into Katy rolling around on the floor laughing because i had a cup on my head. Don't ask, she gave me skittles.
We were having lots of fun, she seemed more relaxed around me, and i think we're gonna be good friends.

Our plane was going to arrive in fifteen minutes, so we had to leave shortly. We were gone for just under two hours. We made our way to the terminal to meet the band and get on our plane, they all looked really bored.

"You guys look like you're having a blast," I said sarcasticly. Zac gave me death glares and Josh and Jeremy rolled their eyes.

"You guys have a fun two hours?" Zac asked continuing with his death glares. Ah, i can see why they'd be a little upset.

"Oops. Sorry, we got carried away." I said giggling.

"You went to get coffee, what could've kept you for two hours?" Josh said butting in.

"She gave me skittles." I said looking over at Katy, everyone else followed suit. Katy stepped back a bit, biting her lip.

"Oops, my bad." She said giggling.

We all got on the plane soon after and took our seats. Well, after me and Katy argued over who got the window seat. In the end i gave in a let her sit at the window, she was so stubborn.

The plane took off, and there was the start of our tour together.
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Hey everyone,
nothing too special, it was really just a filler.
it'll start getting interesting next chapter. =P
xoxox thanks for reading