Beyond My Dreams

chapter 6

Hayley's POV

We landed in Manchester at 6:30am, we were earlier than we'd planned so we discussed what we should do next.

"I think we should find the tour bus and play video games until the show starts," Zac said with a serious look on his face. He wasn't joking, he was expecting us to actually play video games for hours. Typical.

"Don't even think about it Zac, the girls wont let us do that, they'll wanna do girlie stuff," Josh said matter of factly. Emphasizing the word girlie.

"Well i tell you what, i have an idea that well please us all." i said grinning a cheesy grin.

The boys looked at me with scared expressions, as if i was going to make the wear make-up or something... although, hmmmmm. I smiled at the thought of the guys in make-up and grew serious again after letting out a tiny giggle.

"You boys go find the bus and play video games, us girls will go shopping and find some nice things to dress you in." I said half squeeling the last bit. I grinned at the horrified looks on their faces and started to giggle as they backed away slowely.

Drama queens.

I turned around to see a shy looking Katy Perry stood next to me. She obviousely didn't forget about the plane incident.
I smiled at her, as if i'd forgotten and she smiled back excitedly, to my surprise. But thank God.

"Come on," I said to her smiling, and we both went shopping.

I ran straight into Afflecks Palace, one of the best places in Manchester, and ran straight into the first visible shop.
I marvelled at the awesome skinny fit tees on the walls, until my eyes sidetracked to a pair of florecent orange skinny jeans that had skeleton hands on the ass.

I ran to them and picked them off the rail, squeeling.
"Oh my gosh! I have to try these on!" I looked at Katy who was giggling at my immature high pitched prep girl behavior.

I immediatly turned red and walked, half ashamed, towards the changing rooms.
I jumped around the changing room pullng the jeans up, then walked out to Katy.

She smiled at me and i did a mini catwalk with my hands on my hips and stopped in front of her.
"So what do ya think?" I said fluttering my eyelashes like a prep girl and giggling at my own actions.

"They're...Awesome." She said, half blushing.
Wait! Blushing? Don't be stupid Hayley, of course she's not blushing, she's straight!
But seriousely, was she?

I shook that thought away and walked back into the changing room to take the jeans off and change back into my black ones.

I walked back out and flashed a smile at Katy before skipping over to the counter to pay for the jeans. Katy walked to the entrance of the shop and waited for me.

When we walked out of the shop, we walked past a group of men who showered us with wolf whistles.
I hate how guys can act like that! It's so demeaning.
I stopped walking, Katy did too and seeing the pissed off look on my face she spoke up.

"What's your problem?" She shouted at them. Their faces turned to sly grins.

"Can a guy not show if he thinks a girl's hot? 'Cause babe, you're workin' it!" He said walking over and grinning.
Katy walked up to him and smiled.

"Then maybe i should give you something," She said grinning. He smiled at his friends and closed his eyes to lean in, only to recieve a huge slap across the face.
His face turned red from the impact and all he could manage was a shocked expression.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" He shouted holding his face.

"I'm a lesbian," She said grinning, "Come on Hayley, i need a cofffee." She said grabbig my hand and dragging me off. Not that she needed to try very hard, i was more than willing.

I couldn't help but grin at what hapened, i can't believe she slapped that guy, i was pleased though, he diserved it.
Wait...Hang on! Gay!? What? Did i hear that right?
Katy Perry is gay!
It only made me want her more. I want her.
♠ ♠ ♠
hey guys.
ive started writing in school now, so updates should be regular, considering the school workload etc.
hope you enjoy.
and can i just say again, thank you for reading, it means alot.
love your comments.