Beyond My Dreams

chapter 8

Hayley's POV

We ran through the streets of Manchester, hand in hand, but nobody took notice of it.
A few fans stopped us on the way, we signed autographs and left again.

Surprisingly, we reached the arena earlier than we thought.
When we walked round the corner towards the entrance we suddenly hit a huge group of screaming fans.
We decided to let go of each other's hands at this point, better not to draw attention to us at the moment, until we talk anyway.

When all of the fans saw us, they screamed louder, almost deafening us both, but they made a path to the door nonetheless.
We made our way through, signing autographs on the way and walked through the doors to the arena.
The sudden change in noise messed with our ears, it was practically silent inside.

We walked through to the concert hall to see the boys doing a sound check.
They all looked up at us with disappointed faces.

"They arrive at last!" Josh shouted. "Where you guys anyway?"

"...Shopping!" We both answered in unison earning a weird look from Josh.

The stage technician came over and saved us.

"Miss Katy Perry, you're due on in a few." He said, eying her up and down. Could this guy be any more obvious? He gave a huge grin and walked off.

"Okay, well that couldn't have been any more obvious." Josh said giggling with the boys.

"So what Katy, is he your boyfriend?" Zac said laughing too.

"Yeah, your secret lover?" Jeremy asked laughing so hard he had to walk off.

Katy turned to me and giggled, "No, he's not my type, and i happen to have my eyes on someone at the moment." She grinned and then turned to walk over to the stage, brushing her hand with mine on her way. The boys were too caught up in their jokes to hear what Katy said.

I stood there watching her, watching her walk onto the stage, listening to her talk to the fans in her oh so sexy voice. I stood like that for a while, until the boys came over and gave me strange looks.

"Hello! Show to prepare for here!" I shouted, shaking out of my trance. They shrugged off their weird looks and got prepped for the show.

I enjoyed watching Katy perform, she was awesome live. But like the saying goes, time flies when you're having fun and surely enough, she was walking off the stage soon after. She walked up to me and hugged me.
"You were amazing." I said as she pulled away smiling.

"Thanks." She replied and we went to sit and chat while the stage crew set up for our show.
About fifteen minutes later the stage man came over again.

"Okay Paramore, you're on in five." He said quickly and turned to go and check the lights.

I turned to Katy, "I'll talk to you after the show." I said smiling.
She smiled back but before she could reply at all the boys had dragged me towards the stage, we stood at the side, waiting for the cue to go on.

We soon got the cue and ran on stage all energized. I took one look back to see Katy smiling at me. I couldn't help but feel even more hyper than i was and thought this was the perfect time to start. I addressed the crowd and told them what song we were about to play to kick off the evening.

We started playing and the crowd screamed their hearts out and jumped around hectically as they heard the intro to 'for a pessimist I'm pretty optimistic.'
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Hey guys!
Sorry it took so so so long, but i assure you it'll start getting good now.
ive been having, problem atm that needed my attention, but tbh i dont care anymore so im gonna start writing again because it gets my mind off it, so you can count on alot of updates this week.
love you all so much for stickig with me XD