Status: Completed.

There's Only Concrete on the Other Side

  1. Come Back Home
    "Had it only been a year ago that Vile and I fled?"
  2. Eternity Is Too Long To Stay Fightin
    "Vile, why can't you stand being in the same room with me anymore?"
  3. Little Vanessa
    "I have an awful feeling about Nessa."
  4. I'll Kill Them All
    "Sweetie, I'd "deal" with you no matter what because I love you."
  5. Lucifer
    "Ah, you. You two have been causing a bit o' trouble in the world, ain't ya'?"
  6. Shall I Set Him On Fire?
    "What's wrong with spiders, Kitty?"
  7. I See You Got My Message
    "It was a picture of us kissing in the snow last December."
  8. I Was Home
    "Her face appeared to me, smiling, human again."