Something Like Love

You know my story. At least, you should. I'm Chelsia Limbarso. Remeber me? I fell in love with my best friend, Shaun, at boarding camp. I think it all started when I taught him and Jamie, my lesbian friend, to surf.

Anyway, this is what happened to us after leaving that camp. I nearly forgot how I felt for Shaun until his letter appeared in my mail. Surfing brought us together once, and it can do it again. Just see.

(Note: I do not own Shaun White. Obviously. Chelsia, Jamie, grandma and pa I do own. And, if you haven't seen already, this is a sequel. So, if you haven't already, I'd read the prequel first!)
  1. The Note
  2. Cali-girl.
  3. Bitches
  4. Tia
  5. Night Before
    Last one before Shaun is actually in the story.
  6. Tough Competition
    FINALLY! Shaun's arrived!
  7. In His Arms
  8. Wake Up
    Three Days Grace song^^
  9. Carson City
  10. "Halloween Party!"
  11. Talk With Mom
  12. Birthday!
  13. Check Yes
  14. The Lake
  15. Campfire Song!
  16. The Night Before We're All Alone
  17. Competition
  18. Epilogue
    Suddenly, it's over.