Behind the Scene

chapter one

Have you ever been best friends with three teenage hearthrobs? No? Well i have. Yeah me normal average Addison Summers. You may have heard of them; Nick, Joe, and Kevin Jonas. I've lived next door to them since Joe and I were five, I've seen them through all the awkward stages of growing. I've spent so much time at there house I'm considered family now.

Its the summer before my senior year with Joe and Nick's sophomore year. I'm waiting in my room watching out the window hoping to see the car that held my best friends. They were taking a break from touring and spending some time at home.

"Addison! We need to go over to the Jonas's house!" My mother, Charity, called up to me.

"Coming!" I said before running downstairs jumping the last two. "Lets go!"

I followed my mom out the door and walked a head of her while she locked our door. I walked up the front steps and rang the door bell. The door opened and Joe stood before me in all his glory.

"Joe!" I said throwing my arms around him.

"Hey." he said hugging me back.

"You were supposed to be here later." I said standing back. I looked him over and he looked amazing as always with his shaggy brown hair and gogeous blue eyes.

"We had an early flight." Joe said shoeing me his beautiufl smile.

"Joe let them in!" Denise Jonas said from inside.

Joe step out of our way and I stepped inside. I love this house it's like my second home.

"Wow Addy you look great!" Joe said, looking at me as he shut the door.

"I look the same." I said, raising an eyebrow.

I did look the same. Light brown hair that went to the middle of my back. Green eyes accented by black eye liner. My clothing style is the same; dark skinny jeans and a plain black t-shirt, and converse on my feet.

"No your hair is longer and your eyes are brighter then usual." Joe said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "We should go find my brothers."

I followed Joe to the room he shared with Kevin. He opened the door and I could hear Kevin and Nick playing their guitars. The room was littered with clothes and they had been home an hour. I looked at the table by Joe's bed and smiled. The pictures on it were of us from over the years.

"Is that a new song?" I asked.

"Hey Addy . Yeah for our next album." Nick said smiling at me.

"Its really good." I said.

"Good to see you Addy." Kevin said setting his guitar to the side.

"How was the tour." I asked, sitting on Joe's bed.

"Pretty good." Joe said, sitting next to me. "How was life without us?" Joe asked, putting an arm around me.

"Dreadful. It was killing me not having you three around." I said dramatically.

"Very funny." Joe said, taking his arm off my shoulders.

"I’m only joking." I said, bumping him with my shoulder. "Why did you tell me your
flight would be in later?" I asked, looking at Nick.

"Joe wanted to surprise you." Nick said with a shrug.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah so what?" Joe asked .

I pushed him off the bed the clothes on the floor broke his fall. He was so surprised he laid on the floor for a few seconds. Then he jumped up and tackled me. I fell back on the bed, laughing.

"For that I am going to tickle you to death." Joe said with a mischievous smile.

Then he began tickling me I tried not to laugh but it was too hard.

"Nick help me!" I managed to choke out between laughs.

"Sorry I have to stay out of it." Nick said, strumming his guitar again.

"Are you going to say sorry?" Joe asked, stopping.

"Fine sorry now get off me." I said trying to push him off me.

He did get off me but he had a smirk on his face I wanted to swipe off.

"You are so mean." I mumbled under my breath.

"You know you love me." He said, hugging me.

"Not at the moment." I said, pushing him away.

Joe looked hurt but it was quickly replaced by a blank face.

"Well Nick you move up as my best friend." Joe said patting Nick on the back.

"Right." Nick said shaking his head.

"I don't care I have other friends." I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Right like who?" Joe asked, looking at me.

"Just because you are so caught up in yourself and haven't noticed my other friends isn't my fault." I said, avoiding the question.

"I am not caught up in myself!" Joe said.

"Yes you are! You spend more time looking in the mirror then the average teenage girl!" I said.

"I do not! "Joe said his face turning red.

Just then the door opened and the forth Jonas brother Frankie walked in.

"Mom says dinner is ready." He said then walked back out of the room.

Nick and Kevin raced each other to the dinning room. Joe and I stayed where we were.

"Do I really spend that much time looking at myself?" Joe asked, frowning.

"No." I said with a sigh.

"Good. Lets go eat." He said, standing up and offering me his hand.
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I uploaded this once but I changed a few minor parts.
Disclaimer:I do not own the Jonas Brothers.