Behind the Scene

Can't We Stop Going In Circles?

"Stay out of this Jonas." Shane growled tightening his grip on my neck.
"Let go of her, or I will have to kill you." Joe said stepping twards Shane and I.
"Fine," Shane let go of me. "Have your whore." He walked around the corner back to the club.
"Are you ok?" Joe asked. He walked to me and examined my brusies.
"How bad are they?" I whispered. My throat hurt making it hard to talk.
"Not to bad." Joe said. I could tell he was lying. Shane hit me hard enough to leave a pretty nasty bruise.
"What am I going to do!? We have the same hotel room!" I asked paniking.
"Calm down. You can stay with me tonight. Ok?" Joe asked wiping a tear from my face.

Joe called Kevin to come pick us up.
"Don't tell anyone." I whispered.
Joe hugged me close to him. "Until your ready to tell people I won't say anything."
"Thank you."

Kevin pulled his car up in front of us. I climbed into the backseat Joe sliding in behind me.
"So did you have fun?" Kevin asked glancing at us in the rearveiw mirror.
"Not really." Joe mumbled looking at me.
"Oh that's to bad." Kevin didn't say anything about my injures.
I laid my head against the window and watched the city rush by. Joe took my hand in his and squezzed it. I sighed and closed my eyes tears falling onto my hand.
"Everything is going to be ok." Joe whispered in my ear.
I gave him a weak smile then turned back to the window. We pulled into the hotel parking lot Joe held my hand as we walked up to his room. We said goodnight to Kevin adn Joe led me into his room. I pulled out my cell phone and called my mom She was still with Mr. and Mrs. Jonas so I told her to tell them I wanted to stay with tonight. They were fine with that, I said goodnight to my mom and hung up.
Now a half an hour later Joe and I are sitting on the floor leaning against the bed facing each other. We hadn't spoken to each other in awhile we were just enjoing being in each others company. We hadn't looked at each other since sitting on the floor.
"Addy can I ask you something?" Joe asked looking at me finally.
"How many times has he hurt you?" Joe asked anger flashing in his eyes.
"Once before this."
"And you stayed with him why?"
"I needed to forget about you." I said looking at my feet.
"It hurt to much." I answered. I looked at Joe and he looked really hurt. "When I was with Shane I felt like my old self. When you and me broke up I changed. I was so sad I locked myself my room all the time and hardly talked to anyone, but Shane changed that. I thought I was falling in love with him. Then he got mad at me and slapped me. I stopped talking to him after that I was going to break up with him, but then my mom invited him to come to New Jersey. She didn't tell me because she wanted it to be a surprise. I couldn't stop him from coming and I didn't want to have to break up with away from home."
"I will protect you from him." Joe said smiling warmly at me.
"What makes you think I need you or anybody else?" I asked annoyed. I wasn't some damsel in distress I don't need him to protect me.
"What?" Joe asked taken back by my tone.
"I'm not some poor defenseless little girl I can take of myself!"
"I saw the look on your face when Shane was hurting you. You were defenseless. No matter what you say I will always protect you. I promise." Joe vowed. He moved so he was sitting next to me.
"Don't make promises you can't keep." I muttered.
"I always keep my promises." Joe said confidently.
"No you don't." I said moving away from him.
I stood up and looked down at him.
"You promised me we would stay together forever! And look what happedned to that one!" I yelled.
"I tried to keep that one!" Joe said. He stood up and faced me.
"I love you!" Joe yelled at me frustrated.
"No you don't. If you loved me you never would have left me for Lisa." I yelled back just as frustrated as him.
"Can't we stop going in circles? We have this same fight over and over again and we haven't resolved anything." Joe said throwing his arms in the air in frustration.
"Maybe that's because there is nothing to resolve! Did you ever think that maybe we aren't ment to be?" I asked tears filling my eyes. I hoped he would say I was wrong and that we did belong together.
Joe was silent he just watched me his eyes glistening from unshed tears.
"Say something." I said frowning.
"I don't beleive that. We are supposed to be togther. You are my best friend you know more about me then I know about me. You can see through me."
"I feel the same." I said smiling at him. " I didn't until you said that but I see what you mean, but we can't be togther."
"What? Why?" Joe asked.
"You are still with Lisa."
"But I don't want to be." Joe said looking at me like I was crazy.
"So why are you with her?"
"Damage control. When those pictures of Lisa kissing me got out I had to do something to keep people from talking bad about my brothers and I, so I said we were dating."
"You kow I was really hurt when I heard that." I said glaring at him.
"I know and I am so sorry." Joe said.
"Yeah ok." I said rolling my eyes.
Joe pulled me into his arms. I buried my head in his chest like I used to.
"There is one promis I kept." Joe whispered in my ear.
"Which one?" I asked looking up at him.
"I promised I would love you forever."

I woke up in the morning to find Joe sleeping next to me his arm around my waist holding me close to him. I took the hand that rested on his bare chest and ran it down his toned chest.
"Mmmm." Joe said in his sleep.
I stoped and moved away from him.
"Where are you going?" Joe said groggily pulling back.
"I was going to take a shower." I mumbled.
"Why'd you stop?" Joe asked. I could feel his breath on my neck. I turned my head to look at him.
"Stop what?" I mumbled. I noticed how close our lips were.
Joe didn't answer. He moved towards me.
"JOE!" Someone yelled pounding on the door.
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the next chapter is the last chapter. =(
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Disclaimer: i do not own the Jonas Brothers.
Chapter title comes from Jonas Brothers Don't Tell Anyone (awsome song! =)]