Behind the Scene

Never Would Have Said Forever

Two years have gone by since I last saw Joe at that park. We tried the long distance thing for a few months but it was two hard for both of us. I wear the ring he gave me as a necklace, and the flowers he gave me all slowly died except one I keep that one tacked up on my wall as a reminder that someone did love me.
It's now the summer before I go to college and my mom wants me to go to New Jersey for the summer with her. I'm not excited about it. I left so much in New Jersey I just want to forget about all of it. Joe and his family moved, after we broke up, to California. I used to watch every interview or music video I saw that had Joe in it, but now I change the channel when I see him.
I've changed so much since leaving New Jersey. My physical appearance is different even my clothes are. My hair is longer and its lightened from being in the sun. Noe I usually have it up in a pony tail. I wear little short shorts and tank tops, sometimes just my bikkini top. I've changed the way I view love and relationships. I've learned the hard way to not let some take your heart because they will just give it back broken. Trust me I never would have said forever if I knew it ends so fast.
"Addison come here please." My mother said from the dinning room.
I moved from the couch in the living room to the dinning room.
"What?" I asked sitting across from her.
"Charles bought tickets to a concert." She said smiling to herself.
Charles Whitman is my mothers boyfriend of one and a half years. He is a wealthy plastic surgeon and he is five years younger then her. He is tall, tan and perfect or so my mom says. He's been trying to suck up to me lately I think he might propose to her.
"That's cool." I said in an indifferent way.
"He is really trying." She said frowning at me.
"Yeah. Is that all you wanted?" I asked irritated.
"Are you done packing?" She asked.
"We leave tomorrow at eight in the morning. You better be ready."
Things have been really rocky for my mom and I since we moved to Florida. The main thing tearing us apart is Charles. I mean he is a nice guy but he is always with us. Its been my mom and me for so long and now she adds in a guy. I never thought she would remarry or even date again after my dad left us five years ago.
The next morning we arrived at the airport an hour early. I sat in the waiting area looking at an out dated Teen People while my mom walked around looking for a gift shop. I turned the page to see a picture of me. Not just me Joe was in the picture too. The first line said 'Love for the middle Jonas. Who is this mystery girl? Addison Summers a long time friend of Joe Jonas'. When asked about her Joe said, " She is a really great girl."
I threw the magazine down and pulled my phone out of my purse. I dialed a number I thought I had forgotten a long with everything else in New Jersey.
"Joe?" I asked.
"Yeah. Addy?"
"I need to talk to you about something." I said.
It's been one year, two months, and three days since I last spoke to Joe.
"This is Addy isn't it?" He asked surprised.
"Yes. Now I need to talk to you." I said annoyed.
"Ok. What's up?"
"Did you give someone a picture of us?" I asked picking the magazine up.
"No. Why?"
"Because I'm looking at one right now. It was taken at my house the night before you left."
"Which time?" Joe asked. I could hear the regret in his voice as he asked this.
"The last time before we broke up." I said with little emotion.
"The Teen People one?"
"They found it in our tour bus when Nick took them on a tour of the bus. They asked about it so I told them it was a good friend of mine. They guessed you were my girlfriend. That was two days after we broke up." He said this in rush.
"Oh. Well that's all I wanted to know. Bye."
"Bye Addy." Joe said and hung up.
I sighed and put my phone away.
"Addison look what I found!" My mother said excitedly.
I looked up and Charles was standing in front of me along with Shane Williams my boyfriend of seven months. Great.
"Hi." Shane said smiling at me.
I smiled and went back to starring at my shoes.
"What's wrong?" My mom asked concerned.
"Nothing." I said. Tears were starting to cloud my vision.
"Addison." She said sitting next to me. She glanced at the picture still staring at me. She took a second to read the caption under it.
"Its nothing." I whispered. I swallowed down the sob ready to come flying out.
"I'm sorry sweetie."
"I called him." I said wiping a tear from my cheek.
"Who?" Charles asked confused.
"Joe." My mom said showing him the magazine.
"Oh." Charles said looking at me sympathetically.
"What did he say?" My mom asked putting the magazine on the table in front of us.
"The reporter saw it on accident." I said with a shrug.
"Oh Addison," My mom said with a sigh she kissed my forhead then her and Charles left.
"You need to get over him." Shane said annoyed.
"I can't!" I said angrily.
"You can. You just won't try."
♠ ♠ ♠
told you there would be some drama. the next chapter is the concert. guess who the performers are.
Disclaimer: I do not own the Jonas Brothers.
chapter title from Demi Lovato feat: Jonas Brothers On The Line