Behind the Scene

Hold On Tight Its A Roller Coaster Ride We're On

"Addison we need to sort things out between us." Joe said irritated.
"There is nothing to sort out, Joe. " I said walking away.
It was two weeks into our long distance relationship when I first saw the pictures of Joe and Lisa. They were seen kissing outside of a resturant in Las Angeles. I called Joe to ask him about the pictures, and he said it was no big deal she kissed him. I believed him when he said it meant nothing. Then a week later I saw an interview where Joe said the girl in the picture was his new girlfriend. I missed what her name was because I turned the TV off and called Joe to ask him about the pictures he said he meant to talk to me about that. He said he found someone else and wanted to see where things would go with her. I hung up on him when he was in the middle of braking up with me I just couldn't handle it. He tried calling me back, but I ignored him and after awhile he stopped trying.
Joe grabbed my arm and dragged me to another room. He slammed the door behind us.
"We need to talk about what happened last year." Joe said.
"What is there to talk about? You dumped me for her! End of story!" I yelled letting my frustration get the better of me. "Open up your eyes boy and see how foolish you were being!"
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to break your heart." Joe said just as frustrated as me.
"You say you didn't mean to break my heart but you did."
"Well I'm sorry for dissapointing you." Joe yelled.
There was a knock at the door and my mom looked around the door at us.
"It's time we get back to our seats." My mom said when she saw us. I followed her back into the sitting room.
"Bye guys have a good concert." I said. I hugged Nick and Kevin, and waved to everyone else.
"After the concert we need to finish this." Joe whispered when I passed him.
When we got back to our seats my mom and Charles started talking about going to dinner with Denise and Paul before they left. I tuned them out and thought about Joe. He is so stupid sometimes!
The lights dimmed and in the next few seconds the spot lights once again shone on my childhood friends. The mood of the song was different then the ones they had played so far. On a screen behind the band one word was projected "Sorry."
"This next song is dedicated to a girl who is very important to my family and I. This is for you Addison." Joe said. The screen changed from sorry to a picture of me standing in the Jonas's kitchen smiling at the camera. Then a picture of the Jonas's and my family at Christmas.
"You warned me that you were gonna leave. Never thought you would really go. I was blind but baby now I see. I broke your heart but now I know. That I was being such a fool and didn't deserve you." Joe sang closing his eyes.
The picture now was of Joe and I making snow angels at my house. Shane took my hand in his, tighter then it should have been.
"I don't wanna fall asleep, 'cause I don't know if I'll get up. And I don't want to cause a scene but I'm dying without your love. Beggin' to hear your voice. Tell me you love me too. 'Cause I'd rather just be alone if I know that I can't have you." Nick sang in his powerful voice.
The picture changed to one of Joe holding me will I cried. It was taken after my dad left.
"Looking at the letter that you left."
"Looking at the letter that you left will ever get you back?" Nick sang in background.
"Wondering if I will ever get you back. Dreaming about when I'll see you next.
"When will I see you next? Will I ever get you back?"
"Knowing that I never will forget."
"I won't forget, I won't forget."
"That I was being such a fool. AndI still don't deserve you." Joe sang his voice lowering with emotion.
The next picture was of Joe and I sleeping on the couch holding each other.
"I don't wanna fall asleep, cause I don't know if I'll get up. And I don't want to cause a scene 'cause I'm dying without your love. Beggin' to hear your voice. Tell me you love me too. 'Cause I'd rather just be alone if I know that I can't have you." Nick sang his voice making the crowd go wild.
The picture changed to the last picture we took together. Joe and I hugging outside of his tour bus.
"So tell me what we're fighting.'Cause you know that the truth means so much more. 'Cause you would if you could don't lie. 'Cause I'd giving everything that I've got left to show you I mean what I have said. I know I was such a fool, but I can't live without you."
" I don't wanna fall asleep, cause I don't know if I'll get up. And I don't want to 'cause a scene but I'm dying without your love. Beggin' to hear your voice. Tell me you love me too. 'Cause I'd rather just be alone if I know that I can't have you. Don't wanna fall asleep." Nick sang.
"Don't wanna fall asleep." Joe sang along with Nick.
"'Cause I don't know if I'll get up."
"Who knows if I'll get up?"
"I don't want to cause a scene 'cause I'm dying without your love. Beggin' to hear your voice."
"Let me hear your voice."
"Tell me you love me too."
"Tell me you love me too."
"'Cause I'd rather just be alone if i know that I can't have you." Nick finished.
"Do you think we will have a happy ending like in fairy tales?" I heard a girl's voice say. My mom looked at me funny and Sahne let go of my hand that's when I realized the voice belonged to me.
"No," Another voice said. (Again it took me a few seconds to realize it was Joe.) "Real love stories never have happy endings because they never end."
I looked at Joe and saw him wipe at his eyes. I sniffed and cleared my throat and looked at my mom.
"Wow." I said sniffing again.
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the song is can't have you by the Jonas Brothers. yeah so do you like the drama???
Disclaimer: I do not own the Jonas Brothers.
chapter title from Jonas Brothers Goodnight and Goodbye