Behind the Scene

I Can't Stop My Heart From Calling You

After that Demi came out to do a song with the boys, they sang "This Is Me" then she did a new one off her album.
"This is 'On The Line'" Demi smiled at the crowd.
As she sang the song with the Jonas Brothers I couldn't help but notice how it fit Joe and I. Joe sounded so beliveable when he sang songs like this, songs that have so much emotion. Maybe, just maybe I could forgive him for what happened between us. I know deep down I still love Joe and maybe he doesn't like Lisa as much as he saying he does.
After the show we went backstage again to say goodbyes. Joe wasn't there and neither was Lisa. I looked at Nick and raised an eyebrow. He pointed to the storge closet.
"One guess as to what their doing." Nick mumbled to me. He made a disgusted face and rolled his eyes.
"Why is he with her?" I asked annoyed.
"After you to broke up he was lost and I think Lisa helped bring him back." Nick said looking at the storage closet.
"He's the one that cheated on me." I said. Nick pulled to corner away from everyone else.
"She kissed him." Nick said defending his brother.
"I know that. I also know he started dating her when we were still tigether." I said frustrated.
"You are wrong about that one."
I looked behind Nick and saw Joe leaning against the storge closte door watching us.
" I started dating her a few days after we broke up." Joe said in a bored voice.
"Then why did you tell people you were dating her before we broke up?"
"I had to make myself look better." Joe said with a shrug.
"What? I was really hurt by that!" I said my face reddening.
"I'm sorry but-"
"Joe," Lisa interupted. "It's time to go."
Joe shook his head and followed Lisa out the door.
"Addy give it time." Nick said kissing my forehead in brotherly way.
"I have and nothings changed. I just have to forget about your brother."
"If thats what you want then I will stand by you."
I hugged Nick. "Thank you."

The next day we all went out to dinner. Joe, Lisa, Shane and I were stuck together at seperate table from everyone else. There was an akward silence until Lisa's annoying voice broke it.
"So Addy how do you know the Jonas Brothers?" Lisa asked. The she asked this simple question made me want to punch her.
"We grew up together." I said simply.
"We lived next door to each other for almost thirteen years. The first time I saw Addy was at this park down the street from our houses. Addy was swinging ond these older kids pushed her off and I, being the gentelman that I am, went and told the kids off for doing that." Joe said with a laugh.
"As I remember it it was YOU that needed saving not me."
"That's your story." Joe said smirking at me.
"Where did you get that recording you played at your preformance?" Shane asked Joe.
"The one at the end of 'Can't Have You' ?" Joe looked at Shane and received a nod. "Addy and I recorded it."
"It was never supposed to be used." I mumbled.
"I thought it fit." Joe said with a shrug.
"It's a break up song." I said puzzled.
"Not really. It' s more about regreting a break up."
Lisa looked at me then at Joe.
"Regreting a break up?" Lisa asked in her annoying voice.
"That's what I just said." Joe said rolling his eyes.
"You don't need to act like that." Lisa mumbled.
"Anyway, it's about missing someone and knowing you can never have them back." Joe said passionatly.
"Why can't you have them back?" I asked sadly.
"Because they have moved on." joe said glancing at Shane.
"Did you write it?" Shane asked.
"Yeah. My brothers helped put music to it but I wrote the lyrics."
"Is it about someone?" Shane asked glaring at Joe.
"Yes but I want to keep that to myself." Joe said glaring back at Shane. There was an intense moment as both boys glared at each other.
"Did you know there is a new club in town." Lisa said brongong attention back to her.
"We can't get into a club." I said rolling my eyes at her.
"We can if we have Jonas Brother." Lisa said smirking at me.
"Is that why you're dating Joe? To get all the perks of dating someone famous?" I asked annoyed.
"Of course not!" Lisa said defensively.
"We should go." Shane said to me.
"You three can go I don't want to go." I said pushing away my half eaten plate of food.
"Yeah I don't want to go either." Joe said.
"Ok see you later," Lisa said. She kissed Joe. " Love you."
"Bye." Shane said waving as he followed Lisa.
"Love you." I mimiked Lisa in a hight pitched voice.
"Can't we start over? Go back to being friends." Joe asked.
"Ok as your friend I advise you to dump the slut." I said frowning at Joe.
"It's not that easy. I think I'm falling-"
"Do not say you are falling for her." I said in a dangerous whisper.
"What if I am?" Joe asked angery.
"What do you see in her?" I asked frustrated.
"What about Shane?" Joe asked ignoring my question.
"What about him?"
"Why are you dating him?"
"He is just someone to keep my mind off of you." I said. I pushed my chair back and stood up. " Mom i'm going to go find Shane."
"Ok." My mom said smiling at me.
"I'm going with." Joe called to his parents as he ran after me.
We walked down the street to a building we assumed was the new club considering there was a line of people and music blasting. Joe had whispered conversation with the bouncer. Then he turned to me and smiled.
"We're in."

The club was packed with dancing and drinking. I saw Shane at the bar talking to a girl sitting next to him. Joe saw him to and shook his head.
"I'm going to go find Lisa." Joe yelled over the music. I watched him walk into the middle of the group of people dancing.
I walked over to Shane and sat on bar stool next to him.
"Hey babe." I said attracting his attention.
"Oh hey! What are you doing here?" Shane asked his words slurring together. He was drunk. Just great.
"I came to see you," I said. I looked at the girl Shane had been talking to." Hi." The girl grabbed her drink and walked away.
"Let's go somewhere privet." Shane yelled in my ear trying to sound suductive. He failed miserably.
"Let's not." I said taking his drink out of his hand and setting on the counter away from him.
"Oh come on! We've been dating forever and i still haven't gotten what I wanted!" Shane said glaring at me.
"I told you already I'm not like that." I started to walk away but Shane grabbed my hand.
"Where are you going?" Shane slurred.
"Away from you." I spat at him.
"Come on." Shane said dragging me towards the exit. "We are leaving and i'm getting what I want!"
"Shane let go of me!" I tried to pull away from him but he was to strong.
Shane pulled me out of the club and pushed me into a dark alley and up against the wall. He tried to kiss me but i pushed him away.
"Shane stop!" I screamed.
"Shut up." Shane slppped me hard a cross the face making my head snap back and hit the wall.
I cried out in pain and pushed shane away again, but he just pushed back into the wall.
"I know you screwed Joe! Why am I so different?" Shane yelled in my face.
"I love him and I will never love you."
Shane slapped me again drawing blood from my lip. I refused to cry and show weakness. Shane grabbed my neck and pushed me into the wall cutting off some of my air supply.
"Get away from her." Someone said behind Shane. The voice was so familier.
"Joe." I gasped.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry it took so long to update.
i hate the begining of this chapter but i had to have somethig.
comment please. =)
Disclaimer:I do not own the Jonas Brothers.
chapter title form Jonas Brothers Please Be Mine