Sequel: Mixed

Out of Hiding

Out Of Hiding

Why am I here?

I look around at all the spazzing people. I know I have no reason to be sitting here. I'm not part of the crew. I am not a groupie, nor am I a fan-girl. I have no job to do. They just told me to sit here. So I am. Like the good little girl I've always been. Gah, this is annoying. They won't let me help.

"Valencia?" I grunt in response. "What's wrong?"

"Dude, why am I here?" He shrugs. "Bear, this sucks."

"I'm sureyou it does." I glare at him, but he just smiles. "Just relax." He rubs my back and runs off.

Soon, it's time for the band to go on. Each one pets me on the head as he passes. Why? I don't know.

Maybe they are making me their mascot. Which would totally suck. I mean, who wants to be a mascot? I know I'm a loser, but that's something even I don't want to be.

I push my glasses further up the bridge of my nose.

The concert is amazing. Well up until one part. One minute, I'm sitting in a prime spot to watch the show. The next you ask? Bear is carrying me onto the stage.

"So, I bet you're all wondering who this is, right?" Loud screams answer my lead singer of a friend. "Well this is Valencia. She is very special to us. Want to know why? Well it doesn't matter if you want to know or not, because I'm telling you anyway. See, Valencia here managed to do something we never thought possible. She wrangled one of our dear friends into wedded bliss."

Shit. How did they find out about that?! No one was supposed to know!!

The arena goes silent. "I know, that's what we said. But she did. No offense Valencia, but you're a nerd."

"I know that you prat."

He smirks and continues talking, "I bet everyone is wondering who in our crew would marry this chick. And why the hell didn't our fans know about it. Well, that's cause we just found out today. Apparently, they've been married for a year. So let's get her husband out here shall we?" Once again: screams.

Oh no.

Bear pushes me into his brother.

"I didn't say anything." Those are my first words to him. He just smiles down at me. Like he always does when I get scared. And there's the kiss on my forehead that always follows. Cue sighing in content.

"Well isn't that just precious."

I flip him the bird.

"Not nice little lady. Not nice at all. Anywho, on to how we found out. Well it seems that our dear techie has some pictures of his wife on his laptop." My eyes widen. "Now, the pictures are not appropriate for innocent eyes, but let's just say she can be a smexi nerd when the, ahem, need arises. So that said, meet our new harlot, Valencia Berry!"

I wave shyly at the screaming, cheering crowd.

"Okay, you can go now. I think I've embarrassed you enough for the next hour." He smiles, exposing those damn dimples and ushers us off stage.


"Yea hun?"

"I'm glad I don't have to hide you anymore." I give him a quizzical look. How can he not be ashamed of me? "I love you. I never really wanted to hide us in the first place. But you said that you were doing it for me, so I just never fought you on it. And I didn't mean for them to find those pictures. Uhm... I was looking at them and forgot, then let Jimmy use my computer."

", it's okay? Are you sure that you won't get embarrassed by me? I mean, I'm not really who you're expected to be with. You're all hot bad boy drum tech, and I'm going to school to be a geneticist. Not to mention I'm 22 and you're 26."

"You just did mention it babe." He laughs at the face I pull. Pushing my glasses up for me, he kisses the tip of my nose. "I married you for a reason Valencia. I love you Valencia Montana Berry."

"I love you Jason Matthew Berry."