Living With Joe Jonas

Nicole Ryans liked her life. But when her mom suddenly has to go on a 7 month business trip, Nicole is furious when she finds out she’ll be living with her mom’s friend, who happens to be the Denise Jonas. On top of having to move to a new state, start at a new school, and live with strangers, Nicole can't stand a certain someone named Joe Jonas.
  1. "Seven Months!?"
    I stared at her, not paying attention to words that provided no comfort. Was she supposed to say “Just kidding!” now? Or pull out a pair of car keys, exclaiming “I got you it!”?
  2. Wait... THIS was the girl?
    No? Did she just say no? Who doesn’t like the Jonas Brothers?
  3. "You're Not Gonna Believe This"
    I would have laughed at the situation if... No, actually, I probably would never laugh at this situation. Ever.
  4. "I Swear to God, Joe..."
    “I'm Nicole Ryans.” He looked at me like I was an idiot. "No shit."
  5. I Thought I Was Starting To Like Him. But I'm Not.
    Was she apologizing? Not exactly, but close enough.
  6. The Best First Day of School. Ever.
    “Don't drop me,” she said and just stared at me, not moving, expecting some kind of reassurance.
  7. "Are You Okay?"
    "I accidentally dropped her," I lied. Well, it was more like a half-lie.
  8. Hopelessly Frozen
    And now that I really think about it, some movies actually don’t have a happy ending.
  9. Choking On Air
    “Nicole?” I asked quietly and nudged her softly. I seemed to have forgotten that I’d ever hated this girl. Now I just felt bad for her.
  10. Passive Politeness
  11. Don't Forget This: I Always Win
  12. This Was Nicole, After All
  13. "I Still Hate You."
  14. "Thanks Again"
  15. "Don't Come Crying to Me When It's Ruined, Either"
  16. As if I'd Admit it To You
  17. Amusingly Cute
  18. Karma's a Bitch
  19. What Just Happened?
  20. "He Probably Doesn't Like You"
  21. Not be in Love With You?
  22. Charmed
  23. Beginning of the End
  24. Last Chance
  25. The Start
  26. Verge of Malice
  27. Acting
  28. "I Bet It's Nicole Again"
  29. What Was That All About?
  30. Out of My Element
  31. And Yet, Here I Was
  32. Hangover
  33. Stubborn. Really Stubborn.
    As I shut the door and flipped open my laptop as a distraction, I tried to ignore the fact that I knew he didn't believe me.
  34. I'll Forgive You
    How could I do this to somebody?
  35. Home... Isn't What I Want Now
  36. Moving
  37. Perfectly Fine
  38. I Will Not...
    He looked at his work, as if for the first time realizing what he'd wrote.
  39. Thrown At Me
    I thought everything was going so [i]good[/i], and then he threw this at me. Just fired it at me out of nowhere.
  40. What I Would Do For You