‹ Prequel: Drink Me Dry
Status: Complete. =)

Here We Go Again

Midnight Strikes

I try to relive what's in my heart, whatever you felt is in your mind. Is it driving me crazy to consider if this is all a big mistake, now I can't just fade it all away in my mind we are one and forevermore it's eternal what I feel for you, I may be a dark ocean soul trapped in a dark chest of wonders looking through the eyes of the one with a warrior's heart, trying to break free of all my mistakes


Won't it all just fade itself away? Now that I am here, midnight strikes me down, I won't let the darkness win what's in my heart, won't we just beat it all away! Now what a beautiful accident, now you better run run run like you do! Nothing can push me all away, in life or even in death I feel eternally yours! I will never let you fall even if midnight strikes me down, the darkness is too weak compared to my hold on you, no matter what happens and if midnight strikes me down, I'll always be here to protect you


I try to breathe in what's in my heart. What the hell is happening to us? It's all amazing but I have a hard time breathing it all in, it's too hard to comprehend sometimes but now that we're here and together now, it's an event I always want engraved in my mind, there's only one face that resides in my head, it will never fade away! Only the stars in your eyes shine for me, whatever happened to what I once thought was a beautiful accident? Will we be together to see us live along the way?

(Chorus x3)

Enlighten me please for one second, what the hell did you see in me? I will never just fade all away, in life or even in death we are one for eternity, my feelings never disappeared, only intensified, if I were to identify what I felt for you it'd be so insane it'd go another way, in light of the one the ones that were joined: Our hearts beat as one and our blood flows together...

(Chorus x3)

♠ ♠ ♠
This is for my new buddy, Alleine! :D

This song has a rough-sounding male's voice (me! DURR! xDD) and a high-sounding female vocal singing with me on the chorus and the new verse.