‹ Prequel: Drink Me Dry
Status: Complete. =)

Here We Go Again

Love is Dead

I never thought you'd be the one to break my heart into a thousand shatters, glass breaking sounds are heard throughout the night and that would be me shattering any memory of you and I ever thinking we'd been in love, I don't care if you thought I'd ever be back, I left you behind you're the devil's child and I lost something important: I can never trust a guy again, maybe I should just imitate the twin you have and just keep changing


Now we're back to here when we've never been, my heart lies bleeding in its grave as I contemplate why I had stayed. So many lies spread around about me, now that the love is dead why the hell am I still breathing here? What reason do I have to stay? Our love is dead and gone what the hell have I done? I should've hidden from the truth and fought the tears in my eyes from spilling out over a tiny fight, I never saw you again but your promises never really meant anything to me, to me you'll be forever sacred but not the way to my heart


I must leave you behind, I'm stuch with a psycho that constantly has me all on his mind and it's filled with thoughts, the thoughts that make me ashamed that I ever fell for you, his eyes keep dangling down to stare at what he wish he had the power to lay his hands on, he thinks he owns whatever life I want to live, that I'm just a toy thing he can play, well after you I know when to stop, now that I know that you're just so caught up in what has died the person you were died when you left me to see you cheating...

(Chorus x3)

Now I bleed to death, silently crying so I can never see you again, the White Lands welcome me with open arms but I fall...I fall down to the depths of Hell and back...

SAVE ME from the end, back to where I've never been, I lost my soul and will to love because you killed me now...beneath...beneath the blood hides pain and a shred of feeling for you, here's a goodbye kiss and I'll see you in time, swaying away to a bloody lullaby (Ahh Ahh x3)
I'm afraid of being slain again, but I will die loved not by you or anyone I can't face, now that our love is dead, I am gone and deceased!

(Chorus x3)
