In Other Words, Get Lost


Once I shut the door behind me I just realized what I had agreed to. I mentally slapped myself hard.

My boss had insisted I accompany Nathan on this important business trip. Out of all the guys in the office he choose Nathan. Nathan was just one step below me on the ranks.

He was high on himself just because he was good looking. He is rather nice to look at.

I strolled past the other busy employees shaking my head with frustration. What did I get myself into?

I glanced around the office to spot that self-centered brat Nathan. He was busy flirting with Nancy, one of the new workers. She was twirling a strand of hair with her fingers. Nathan lightly caressed her face.

I turned away in disgust and felt like puking.

I finally reached my office and shut the door behind me leaning on it. I let out a deep breath trying to relax myself. I had to remain professional even though I was angry.

I sat down at my desk chair and organized a stack of papers for filing. I walked over to my filing cabinet with the load of papers and set them on the table next to it.

As I opened the first drawer I heard two knocks at my door.

"Yes?" I replied.

The door opened and I watched as Nathan waltzed in. I returned to putting the papers away.

I heard the door click behind him.

"I know you've been waiting for this opportunity." He smirked.

I shot him a curious look. "What opportunity?"

"Oh come on, Christine. You don't have to play the dumb blonde around me. I'll be interested either way." He winked.

I laughed at his pathetic self.

I shut the top draw of the cabinet and as I was about to open the next one I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist.

Nathan whispered seductively into my ear, "You and me are going to be alone for a few hours."

I turned around in his grasp and shoved him away.

"Please. I wouldn't do anything with a pathetic loser like yourself."

"You say that now. You just wait." He smiled as he walked out of my office.

Tomorrow wasn't going to be good. I just wanted to do my job but Nathan was a distraction.

Today Nathan and I were to drive for four straight hours to some stupid city to show them our work. I had come up with some of the ideas for our advertisements that we were to pitch to them.

I would rather drive fifty hours alone than to spend four hours with Nathan.

I had drove to work that morning and advised my boss that Nathan and I were just leaving.

Nathan had already started the car seeing as it was about fifty-five degrees out.

The company gave us some little company car that I wasn't to fond of. The seats were just a little lumpy and the car rattled a little. It will have to do though.

I opened the car door and jumped in trying to avoid the bitter cold air. Nathan was looking in one of the mirrors to make sure his semi long chestnut brown hair was perfect.

I rubbed my hands together to get them warm.

"If you want I can help you with that," Nathan said wisely.

"No, I am perfectly capable of warming myself up." I folded my arms and leaned back.

"But it would be so much more enjoyable if I helped."

I rolled my eyes and Nathan pulled out of the parking lot.

Almost two hours later we had stopped just to get two cups of coffee and to have a chance to stretch our legs. The car heater wasn't working at it's full potential and I would make sure my boss knew about it once we returned.

Once again we were both in the car but this time I was driving. I followed the long stretch of road that lay ahead of us.

There was silence until Nathan decided to talk. "So." He said placing his hand on my thigh.

I rolled my eyes and pushed his hand off. "No touching."

"I see. You're playing hard to get. I like that."

"You practically like anything that walks and has boobs."

"Can't argue there."

I had been driving on the same dirt road with overgrown foliage for almost two hours. Finally the thick forest had ended showing a crowded city.

I drove to the destination.

This had to be one of the most grueling meetings. We had entered their office at two in the afternoon. Five men and a woman were present during our preaching. Nathan tried charming the lady and it semi worked. She batted her eyelashes at him a few times.

After two hours of the meeting the business had come to their senses. This had to be one of the longest meetings ever. We had them sign a few contracts and then we were finally finished.

I smiled as I walked out of the building. I ran my hand through my hair and let out a long relieved sigh.

"I'm happy that's over." Just then I remembered Nathan was still with me.

He ran up beside me and placed his arm around my waist. "Me too." He said smiling down at me.

I removed his arm from around my waist.

As I started to round the corner of the building to find the car. Nathan called from behind me. "Christine!" I turned around to see what all the commotion was about.

He walked over to me. "I was thinking we could go get something to eat before we leave."

"Might as well but let's do it quick."

"Well if you're offering we can do that to."

I rolled my eyes and asked where we were going.

He grabbed my hand with a tight grip that I couldn't squeeze out of. He practically dragged me across the street.

"Let's eat," Nathan said letting go of my hand and walking into a gourmet sandwich place.

I followed and sat across the table from him. I picked up the menu and just decided on a salami and pepperoni sandwich, while he ordered something that would feed five other people.

We gave the waitress our order and sat in silence. The two drinks came out minutes later with the sandwiches.

Nathan picked up his sandwich and began destroying it.

After he fully chewed he asked, "So, how long have you worked for our graphic design company?"

I looked at him shocked that he wasn't going to saw anything perverted.

I chewed my bite and then answered, "For three years but I had an internship so about five."

"I guess that's why you have a higher position than the employees around your age. Unless you gave the boss a special gift." He raised his eyebrows at me.

"Sorry that you didn't get my position. I'm just better at this job than you."

"Don't worry sweetie. I can master any position that came to mind. I bet you I'm better at that than you are." Everything that came out of his mouth was about sex.

I finished my small sandwich and walked out of the restaurant leaving him to pay for both of the orders.

I leaned against the car and closed my eyes. I wrapped my arms around my waist. The chill in the air was coming back seeing as it was getting dark out.

"Now that's what I call a nice piece of ass." My eyes shot opened to see a young man around the age of nineteen.

"Excuse me?" I asked appalled.

The teen stepped closer to me. His dark hair was slicked back. A large over coat was thrown over his shoulders.

"You heard me, baby." He licked his lips. "I can show you a good time."

This deranged man was inching closer and I stepped closer to the car.

Just then I felt a strong hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Nathan. The only time I was happy to see him.

"Honey, is this man bothering you?"

I nodded my head. He told the young person to scram.

"You didn't have to do that. I could have handled it," I huffed.

"Maybe but I'm the only one who is allowed to talk to you like that."

During our ride back to our work place the car started to act funny. It already stalled once and was starting to stutter. We were half way through the thick forest when the car eventually gave out.

"I'll be right back. Don't move," Nathan ordered.

"Where would I go?"

Nathan shut the door behind him. I caught a breeze of the freezing air that floated around outside. The sun had set minutes ago leaving us in the dark.

Nathan jumped back in the car. "We'll need a part from the automobile store. So we are stuck for now."

"Not if I can help it." I pulled out my cell phone to notice it had no signal.

"You're not going to get a signal out here." Nathan chuckled.

I stepped out of the car. I was going to do anything to get a signal. I turned my phone upside down and stood up on my tiptoes parading around hoping I'd catch at least one little bar.

I had no hope at all.

I got back in the car and looked at Nathan who was just smiling at me.

"Wipe that stupid smile off your face. We are stuck out here. We can either wait for a car to drive by or start heading to town."

"We would be better off in the car. Some alone time." The grin widened on his face.

"Keep dreaming. We'll just stay in the car for awhile and hit the road if no one appears soon."

Twenty minutes passed and chills started to shake my body. Nathan didn't look any warmer.

"They must have a blanket or something in here." I watched as I saw my breath with every spoken word.

"You're right." Nathan sprinted out of the car to the trunk. I heard some rustling and then saw Nathan in the rear view mirror pulling something out that resembled a blanket.

He hopped back in the car. He placed the blanket around himself.

"There's room for one more," He said opening his arms.

I looked at him and he knew what I was thinking.

"I promise nothing will happen. Even though it would probably keep us warmer."

"Nothing," I dictated as I laid my back against his chest.

He closed the blanket as I entered. His arms snaked around my waist and I stiffened. Nathan rested his head on my shoulder.

"Relax. I don't take advantage of women unless they allow me too. Why do you think I always charm the ladies?"

"That's nice to know. So it's the ladies who are stupid then."

"Or just desperate." He laughed.

"That's it." I giggled.

"Do you laugh often because that had to have been the first one I heard that wasn't sarcastic."

"Everyone laughs stupid."

"But you barely do. I mean that when I started working with our company I used to see you laugh at some of the most random things. A smile was always put on your face for no reason. Then after a few months your sense of humor wasn't there anymore. You became distant."

I shook as a chill ran up my spine. I guess I had just let my sense of humor drop off the face of the earth. It was because of him, stupid ex-fiancé. I thought that if I acted the way I did it would protect me from people like him.

I sighed deeply. "A guy just like you caused that."

"Oh, how so?" He questioned now intently listening.

I looked out the window to see nothing but dark.

"A naive little girl fell for a guy like you. A guy who would manipulate any women he saw. He swore he had changed and I never saw him look at another women again."

"Isn't that what you wanted."

"Yeah but not to come home and find him with some chick in our bed." My eyes started to tear. I closed them tightly and only a single tear fell out. I wouldn't allow any more to fall.

"Last thing I remember was throwing my engagement ring at him and running out of our apartment." I shook my head in disappointment.

"Sorry to hear that." Nathan rubbed my arm smoothly.

"You shouldn't have let yourself be affected. You let all those years go to waist. All the time you weren't smiling you were missing a chance for some guy falling for you."

"You're not getting in my pants," I joked.

"Well it was worth a try, right?" Nathan responded.

"And a nice one at that. Use that on the girls back at the office, I'm sure they'd be dragging you to the bathroom in seconds." I smiled letting out another laugh.

"See there's that sense of humor that everyone has missed. A couple of hours ago you would have scolded me and probably would have called me an ass."

"I answered one of your questions so now you answer one of mine." I looked up towards his face.

"Yes I will have sex with you."

I slapped him playfully on his arm. "I'm sure most guys wouldn't turn down my offer but that's not the point. Why do you treat girls the way you do?"

"Because they allow me to."

"I know that but I mean there must be some way this started."

"Past girlfriends. They were all bitches. Always sneaking around behind my back. Its time women get what's coming to them."

"Excuse me?"

"The one's that allow it to happen. I just started not to care and wanted to enjoy myself."

"Why would you even bother with all those cheating women when there are plenty of good women?"

"Sometimes good women are hard to find and they don't really intrigue me."

It was comforting to be in the arms of a man. As long as he wasn't going to make any more rude remarks.

Seconds turned into minutes as we sat there in silence. It wasn't awkward though, instead rather comfortable.

"Warm enough." Nathan rubbed my arms.

"Yeah." I replied leaned into his chest more. "What time is it?"

Nathan brought his arm out from under the blanket and brought it to his face. "Eight forty-six." The sun wasn't going to rise for another nine hours or so.

I pulled his arm back under the blanket and wrapped it around my waist like it had been for the last hour or so. "You're warm." I snuggled with his arm.

I looked out the front windshield for the hundredth time that night. The dancing stars almost hypnotizing me as they twinkled brightly.

"Look how beautiful and carefree the stars are. They shine as bright as they want." The stars always calmed me at my stressful moments.

"Yeah, beautiful." Nathan sighed placing a loose strand of hair behind my ears.

I was starting to get tired. The cold air wasn't helping either. I fought to keep my head up. My eyes closed one last time.

My eyelids were getting brighter. Is it morning already?

I opened my eyes to see two growing rays of light. Nathan saw it too as he gently pushed me off of him. I moved over and he slipped out of our car and tried flagging down the other vehicle.

I honked the horn to help.

The truck pulled over and Nathan exchanged words with him.

Nathan soon opened his door and offered me his hand.

I reached in the backseat to grab for my laptop and the organizer.

I turned around and grabbed his hand and we piled into the old man's truck.

"I hope this didn't ruin your honeymoon." The man smiled at us.

"Oh, no we aren't together. We were on a business trip." I nodded my head.

"You guys just looked so happy together."

Nathan placed his arm around my shoulder. I looked up at him and gave him a smile.

Luckily the man was driving in the direction we were. He dropped us off an hour from our town. We thanked him and he drove off.

Nathan had called a taxi when we were in the old man's truck. We waited as we saw a taxi arriving in the distance.

We both entered and soon the taxi was given our directions. This was going to be an expensive trip home. Maybe our boss should have thought about it when he gave us that hunk of junk.

The taxi stopped and I stepped out to find Nathan paying for the ride.

It had to be around eleven almost twelve at night. I yawned as I made my way to my trusty car.

I heard the footsteps behind me get faster.

I glanced over to see Nathan beside me. "What an interesting day."

"Yeah, you're telling me. I just can't wait to go to sleep."

"You better rest up because tomorrow will be an even longer day. Office days are boring."

I can't believe he didn't say anything crazy like 'if I was with you, you wouldn't want to sleep' or 'don't let me run through your mind all night.'

He just gave me a light pat on the back and walked me to my car.

I unlocked my door and looked up at him. "Thanks for walking me to my car." I flashed him a pearly white smile.

"No problem. It's dark out and the freaks come out at night." He grinned back at me.

"Well I guess I'll see you at work tomorrow then."

"Of course," I responded stepping into my car.


"Goodnight." I repeated after him.

He shut my door and walked away. I watched as his gorgeous figure faded into the night.

I turned on my hall lights as I entered my small two-room apartment. I threw my purse on the kitchen counter along with my keys. I placed my laptop and the organizer on my desk.

I changed into my pajamas and dove into my bed.

Beep! Beep! Beep! I looked over to see my alarm clock going off at six twenty-five. I jolted out of bed with all the energy I had. I was fifteen minutes late for my morning routine.

I took one of the quickest showers of my life and briefly dried my hair. I just threw on a skirt with some random matching top. I applied a thin line of eyeliner.

I looked myself over in the mirror and looked good enough. I grabbed my purse, laptop, and organizer as I scurried out of my apartment to my car.

I arrived at work with only three minutes to spare. I ran past the front desk just waving hello.

I finally made it to my floor. I greeted everyone that I came in contact with. I looked over towards Nathan's office to see him actually working and not on a new girl but actual work. That was rare.

I entered my room turning on the light. I glanced over towards my desk not seeing one note. I guess my boss would let me know when he wanted to meet about everything that happened yesterday. Boy was he in for a long story.

Nathan walked by my window and my eyes followed him. He had a stack of files in his hands. He walked over to the same women that he was flirting with yesterday. Back to his old antics I see. I leaned closer to the window.

He handed the files over to Nancy and exchanged a few serious words with her. She looked up at him confused but then smiled. Nathan held out his hand and she shook it.

The only thing I heard from his mouth was a compliment on her hair. Which would originally sound like 'your outfit suits you well, it's very sexy.' Guys didn't notice when women changed their hair but an outfit would steal their attention. He never complimented anyone on their hair.

I sat down at my desk and went back to working on filling out some more forms.

Two knocks came from my door.


Nathan walked in with a cup of coffee in hand. I wish I had time to stop or even make coffee.

"Hey I got you some coffee. Just how you like it with milk and a lot of sugar. It might have gotten a little cold seeing as I had some business to handle."

I shot him a confused look.

"Well I was with you when you ordered you coffee yesterday." He laughed.

He handed the cup over to me and I thanked him.

He leaned against my desk. "Yesterday made me think a lot. I think I should turn over a new leaf, you know?"

"Uh-huh?" I replied taking a sip of my drink.

"Chasing all these girls isn't going to get me anywhere except into some cheap motel room."

I laughed almost drowning on my warm coffee.

"So how about we both agree to something?"

"And what would that be?" I raised an eyebrow at his thought.

"If I stop blaming and punishing all women for what some of my stupid ex's did then you would be your own person again. How about it?"

"My own person. What else am I doing?"

"Don't play dumb. The happy more enjoyable you. To be honest with you, when I went on that trip with you I would have rather it been Nancy or someone like her. I knew you were going to be an old hag about everything."

"Well thanks!" I blubbered.

"But now I'm glad that it was you that went with me. It wasn't that bad of a time and I discovered that I wanted to change. I think it would be best if you let go of that 'I hate guys' attitude and enjoyed yourself."

"Well I'm glad I got to see another side to you. I've been trying for awhile now to let go of that attitude but it's a little hard."

"I can imagine but I'm letting go of my past problems so how about you try too?"

"I guess it would be better," I agreed.

"Awesome. I say we start over by going on a date to this amazing Italian restaurant."

Nathan is asking me out on a date? What should I say? "Sure." I smiled as Nathan stood up and walked towards the door to leave.

"There's that smile that I had fallen for since day one. Be careful with that smile. We don't need any more guys falling in love with you."
♠ ♠ ♠
Woot! My sixth one-shot. I believe it is one of my longest's too.

I just had to write so this is what came out at the moment.

I can't wait to get started on my next one-shot and post them for you. ^_^

I hope you enjoyed it.