Status: i'm sorry for the inconvenience, but i am on vacation from this story at the moment. i promise to ocme with tons of new chapters :D

A Promise Never Forgotten

Falling Apart For You

Dad came home that night and he rushed us straight out of the house. It only took a few hours to drive over there. Of course me parents wouldn’t go by plane, we didn’t have that much money. I’ve never been on a plane before.

I use to have dreams of being up in the clouds soaring In the air and looking down on all the faces of happy people. Then I woke up and realized I may never be able to let that dream come true. I’m as stubborn as anyone I know, so I’m pretty determined to make something out of my life. My grades are excellent and I made myself a promise to be something.

We stopped to rest at a small hotel. The man at the lobby’s desk was disgusting.

“How many rooms? “

The man with the tiniest name tag that I’m guessing said Jimmy, asked. His breath reeked of cigarettes and he smirked at me. I quickly scampered in back of my mother. I didn’t look my age. I can pass as a teenager sometimes. Especially with me height. Except I’m five feet right now, but I’ve been growing slower. I’ll probably stop growing at 5'7.

We got our rooms and I had a room with my mom. Dad wanted to be alone, figures. Probably making phone calls to his “friends.” I didn’t care, never did.

“Sweety, I got some sandwiches I made earlier.”

I stiffened up and my eyes shot up to hers instantly. She held two sandwiches that looked delicious, but that’s not what called my attention. She made me something to eat? She never made me food because she was always busy.

“T-thanks mommy, “ I said happily and kissed her on the cheek. She blushed at how excited I can get by just a peanut butter and jelly sandwich that just about any non-moron can make. But how can I not be so happy? She’s never done this in so long!

I was filled with happiness and smiled widely, eating. My mother watched me as I ate and hummed slightly bouncing. I noticed and smiled wider, causing it to be contagious she smiled wider as well.

“Honey, I’m really proud of you, “ she spoke softly and in her gaze you can tell she truly meant it. My emotions were all mixed, all I did was jump off my bed and hugged her. She buried her head in my neck and sobbed quietly as I gently rocked back and forth. She deserved so much more, and I was going to give that to her, to both of us.

After a few more silent hours, except for my mother’s occasional break downs, we went to sleep. The tv had cable and we watched a few movies. I loved watching “Back To The Future” a true hilarious classic! Mom laughed along with me in all the right places. It would be great if it was just the both of us, not with Dad who just caused her more grief. But she loved him, and I couldn’t do anything about that.

Morning came quick and before I knew it dad was banging on the door telling us we were leaving.

“Mommy, it’s time to go, “ I whispered to her and shook her gently. She opened one bright blue eye that I loved to look at, that I also inherited. Father’s eye color was green so I had a small mix of bright and light green sprinkled. Mother use to talk in awe as if in a different world about when she first met father and how it was his piercing green eyes that made her instantly fall head over heals for him. I barely noticed his “piercing green eyes” under all those dark circles and bags on his eyes.

She woke up and put on the clothes I made for her and brushed her hair quickly as we scurried out of the room.

Few more hours later . . .

I didn’t sleep, so I got to see the sign “Welcome to Illinois.”

I’m just that geeky and love photography that I took a picture of it. My mom had gotten me an SLR Canon camera for my birthday a few years back. She saved so much for it because she felt she didn’t ever give me enough and that I truly deserved it anyway. I, of course gladly accepted it.

I got a few more shots of everything I would find inspirational for later when I developed the pictures. Chicago is such a beautiful place. I really couldn’t wait to take a look around. My parents didn’t mind when I went out. I just left a note.

We arrived to the house another two hours later and quickly started unpacking. The house looked brand new. Surprised my parents can get a house like this.

“Mommy I’m done can I get paint for my room and the house, “ I asked her jumping up and down crazily. She laughed and lightly pushed me out of the house handing me a twenty. I looked down at my palm filled with the money then back at her over and over again. She rolled her eyes and smiled.

“Thanks, “ I squealed to her and kissed her cheek sloppily before running off.

“Okay, but pick something awesome, you deserve it, “ she yelled out and I waved back running into town.

There was a Home Depot nearby so I went there. A lot of the people didn’t bother looking at me because I looked like a teenager. They would be shocked to know a seven year old was in here.

In the back of all the paint color samples, the paints on sale were there. I skipped there merrily and picked out a few colors.

I got a dark gray, black, red, dark blue, bright pale blue that matched my mother’s and I eye color, and some white. Then luckily I also found a box of chalk.

Faster than I expected, I was done with my little shopping spree. Filled with ideas to design the house, I ran straight home.

While I was walking, I wasn’t really paying attention when I side glanced a lank boy. Dressed in dark clothing and I could hear “Here I Go Again” by Whitesnakes blaring from his headphones that looked almost as old and big as mine. Not paying attention to anything, I tripped and fell near him.

Oh. My. Gosh.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you to those who helped and told me to make this into a story.
I already have six chapters on my computer <3



I'll update everyday if i get lots of postives from it <3