Status: i'm sorry for the inconvenience, but i am on vacation from this story at the moment. i promise to ocme with tons of new chapters :D

A Promise Never Forgotten

I Don't Know How Much More I Can Take

"Hey William."

William turned around and faced me with that smile again, one that he shows for everyone.

"Hi Christine," he said, than held my hand.

I held his hand securely as we walked through the familiar hallways of our highschool. Everything was the same except for one thing. Near the middle of the hallway, there seemed to be a huge crowd around this fairly tall girl. I could only see the top of her head, she seemed to be 5'7, 5'8. Her hair looked pitch black and so silky, I myself felt drawn to seeing a closer look of her.

I turned to William only to find out he was doing the same, but the expression he had seemed like he was far more drawn to this person than anyone. This made me even more curious, so I dragged him and myself closer, pushing our way through all the people. This I wish I hadn't done.

In the middle of the sea of bodies that crowded her, was a beautiful girl, a girl I always wished I could be, the girl I dreamed of being in William's heart. There she was, Harmony.

"Harmony," I whispered softly beneath the loud voices of the people trying to talk to her. As if she had heard me, her head shot right at our direction and I'm sure I saw her smile slightly fall.

She ran passed some of the people to get to me and gave me a huge hug, I hugged back unconsciously.

"Oh, Christine! It's been so long, and you look so pretty, William here must be very protective of you," she said with this smile. This smile seemed a bit forced, but I didn't really think to much into it, because I was mostly focusing on her and the way she was treating me. After what I did to her, after what I took from her, she still treated me nicely as if we were friends for ages. I can see why William really loved her.

"Ha ha, thank you Harmony, how have you been?"

I turned to William and saw that he was looking straight at Harmony, and I felt like I wanted to drop right on my knees at that moment. Never have I seen someone look at another with so much hurt and love. It pained me so much and I couldn't do anything about it, I wouldn't. The way he looked at her. He looked at her like she was stabbing him and yet as if she was the most precious thing in the world.

I looked over to Harmony, and she was talking to some of the people around her.

So much people were around her and I could hear some of the things they said about her.

"She's so hot, man," a guy said to his friend.

"Man, I bet I can get her in a few days, no girl can resist," another one said.

Again, I looked over to William and he had an angry expression. Had he heard what these guys were saying?

The bell rang and some people stayed begging Harmony if they could show her around since she was new. She looked toward me and William and pointed at us. The people frowned and nodded, then walked away.

"Sorry about that, I didn't know I would make so much friends! They'll probably get b ored with me though, I'm so plain and simple anyway," she said laughing. She had this cute little laugh that mademe feel even worse. She was so innocent, and so beautiful.

"I doubt it, your really fun Harmony," I said with a smile. It seemed to really make her happy when I said that and she smiled wider. She linked our arms together and started walking.

"Can you show me around the school," Harmony asked.

I looked over to William, but he was looking down at the floor.

"I would love to, but I'm always with Will, would you like to show Harmony around," I asked William.

He brought his head up and loooked over at Harmony, and she smiled at him.

"Sure," he mumbled and looked back to the floor.

Harmony frowned and looked as if she was in pain as well.

Did she still love him?
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's short
this is the POV of Christina
and i had a password on this document, so i can't open it on another thingy.
I'll be making updates mUCH MUCh slower now, cause i have to find a way to fix all of this.
hope you enjoyed this though
i've been wanting to update
so i thought i should give you guys a little bit taste of whats going to ahppen soon.