

The boy stared at the wall ahead of him as he heard the door creak open and footsteps tapping into the room, but he didn’t look around, he couldn’t look around. The voices were telling him not to, that terrible things would happen to if he did.
(terrible things will happen to you, dear, awful things – and you don’t want that, do you. no, you don’t.)
“Hello, Frank,” Gerard Way greeted as he walked into the room and sat in front of Frank, blocking his vision from the wall in front of him. But Frank didn’t so much as flinch, Frank made absolutely no movement to even show that he had realized Gerard was in front of him.

Gerard pulled out his torch-like object from his satchel, looking closely at Frank to see if there was anything about his appearance that would suggest why Frank was acting this way. “I’m just going to check your eyes, is that okay?” he asked Frank, knowing that he wouldn’t get any form of response, but asking anyway.

Frank didn’t respond, not even as Gerard pulled up the folds of his upper eyelids to reveal the whites of his eyes so he could look in. Nothing to do with Frank’s eyes seemed to suggest that he could be possibly blind, which would suggest why he never looked at anyone. In fact, Frank’s eyes were in perfect condition – perhaps a little dried out due to not blinking, but perfect none the less. The only real problem with Frank’s eyes was the fact that they seemed horror stricken, they were held wide open and his pupils were huge as he stared ahead of him. Almost like a deer caught in headlights, or as if there was something horrible after him. Gerard shook the thought from his head and moved on.

Frank continued to stare ahead as Gerard checked his other eye, pulling up his upper eyelid before pulling down his lower. Frank didn’t even flinch as Gerard touched the white of his eye with his latex-gloved finger. Gerard bit his lip slightly, shuffling his footing around slightly so that he was crouching by Frank’s side.

“I’m going to check your ears,” Gerard commented as he reached into his satchel to replace his torch with one for ears, “just to check you’re not deaf.” Though, if Frank were deaf there was absolutely no point in Gerard informing him of the fact he was checking Frank’s ears.

Gerard placed the cold metal into Frank’s ear, hoping for a flinch from Frank but he got nothing and he sighed before looking down the ear piece and into Frank’s ear, turning the light on so he could see inside. Everything seemed to be in perfect order, and nothing gave the impression that Frank was deaf. Sure, they had done this procedure many-a-times, they were always checking Frank’s vitals, always trying to make sure that they hadn’t missed something important which would suggest why Frank was acting like this.

“Can I get round to your other ear, Frank?” Gerard asked, and when Frank didn’t move Gerard went about pulling Frank by the thighs, turning him around slightly so that he could check the other ear.

Nothing on Frank moved, nothing was moved by Frank. Gerard had to do all of the moving for him, lifting his arms up, checking he could move all of his fingers and all of his joints. He could, Frank was in perfect physical condition. It was mental, everything wrong with Frank was mental and that was the hard part. No one could get through to him because of it.