

Gerard was back the next day, as usual and he carried out the same procedures of checking out Frank’s vitals. Frank just sat there, staring ahead of him at the blood covered wall, mentally cowering from everything around him.

(i can kill him if you want? this guy in front of you, gerard. he can go if you want? is that what you want?)

That wasn’t exactly what Frank wanted; of course Frank didn’t want Gerard killed! Gerard was the only person who seemed to care about him, who came and checked on him every day, Gerard was the only heavenly creature in this place Frank called hell.

(yeah? I can do it now, is that what you want? blink once for yes)

Frank forced himself to keep his eyes open, no matter how much they were stinging at that precise moment. He just did not want Gerard to be killed, he didn’t even want to think about it.

(you’re not going to blink? do you want him to stay alive?)

Yeah, Frank did want to keep him alive.

(fucking annoying sonuvabitch.)

Frank continued to keep his eyes open until the door closed and Gerard was gone, knowing that now Gerard was gone he was able to close his eyes again. He kept them closed for a long time, relishing the feeling of his eyes no longer stinging and the relaxing feeling he got from it. He knew there was no way Gerard could be attacked by the monster inside of his head; it had told him that the first day he had arrived

(i cannot attack those who are not in your line of vision or hearing) it had told him, and Frank had kept that in mind ever since.

Frank had had his fair share of witnessing people dying, be it nurses or doctors that had frustrated him. All he had had to was blink and the voice inside of his head had managed to make them suffer in some odd and sadistic way. One doctor had even managed to turn on himself, pushing his own fingers into his eye sockets and popping them out. Completely out of their own body, doctors and nurses had killed themselves in front of Frank.

Frank had become even more terrified of the voice inside of his head after those incidents, especially as now no one ever wanted to enter his room for fear of Frank killing them. Frank hadn’t killed anyone! And forensics had no evidence on him. No DNA from any of the victims, Frank had kept to himself, trying his hardest not to witness any of it. But still, doctors and nurses only ever went in when needed and that was only to run in and give him his food and medicine before running back out and bolting the door shut, as if Frank was insane.

But Frank was in no way harmless, it was the monster inside of him that was doing all of the killing. Frank was merely sitting in the corner of his hospital room, completely helpless and terrified as the voice inside of his head ripped those around him to shreds, slaughtering countless people and causing the other countless people to live in fear of going inside his room.

(i’ll eat them alive.)