Everyone See's Her, But Nobody Knows



I was laid back against my chair in class, my light blue wedge sandals sticking out from under my desk and my long blonde hair swaying as I carefully rocked the chair back and forth. The teacher was completely oblivious to anything in her classroom besides the board as she drew another equation involving finding the length of the hypotenuse of a triangle. The class seemed so calm and bored, but I was the exact opposite.

In exactly three minutes the principle would be over the loudspeaker announcing the sophomore class superlatives, and I had been dreading it all month. I knew I would be chosen as Best Dressed, Best All Around, and any other award that most girls surrounding me would swoon over. I wasn’t one bit excited though, in fact I was feeling a bit nauseous. I knew It wasn’t me they were choosing, it was Callie and I was their way of getting to her.

Callie was gorgeous, and that was an understatement. She was tall and toned, and every inch of her body was naturally tanned. Her teeth were blinding white, her eyes were bright pacific blue and her hair was long and blonde. When she walked it was more like a strut, and she had grace. Correction: She had everything. She was incredibly rich as well as nice, got good grades, and basically got everything she wanted. She was like a Barbie, completely flawless…and I was her best friend.

I was 'the sidekick' ; the girl people want to know for all the wrong reasons. In comparison to Callie I was average, with dirty blonde hair that fell to my mid-back in light waves, dark blue eyes that seemed almost classic, and long legs that looked amazing when I wore heels (or at least that’s what I've convinced myself). My skin wasn’t always flawless, and my body wasn’t naturally thin- I was second best, and all my life I had come to terms with it.

I tried not to let it get to me when girls invited me to sleepovers, just so they could try and meet Callie. I tried not to cry myself to sleep when boys asked me out as a way to get Callies attention. I tried not cringe when I looked in the mirror, because all I really wanted was to run away in agony, knowing I would never even come close to my perfect best friend.

But when you deal with these feelings for as long as I have, the pain eventually turns you numb. I don’t care as much about trying to change into something better, because I am what I am and I cant change that. I've accepted that this is what god made me, and I will never have a chance to be prettier than Callie, so why try? As depressing as it sounds, its my reality. Its my 24/7. It’s a little tragedy called my life.

"Please Excuse me, but I have some very important announcements to make." The principal said over the loud speaker, gaining everyone's attention. I slouched in my chair and dreaded the next few minutes of my life.

_ _ _ _ _

Of course, I was voted for "Best Smile", "Best Dressed", and many more disgustingly judging titles that I didn’t deserve, nor care about. As I got from my seat, ready to go to lunch I was congratulated by my classmates, if that’s even what you could call it. It was more along the lines of 'I'm so happy you won, tell Callie I voted for you okay?'

I wanted people to actually like me for me, who actually cared about my thoughts and feelings, and not only Callie's. This is why I was completely happy that I was leaving for the summer.

My Aunt Anna is a hair dresser, and she's very successful. So successful, in fact, that her job has taken her to LA, to work on the celebrities which (lucky for me) she knows. She dines with them, parties with them; she basically is one of them. So while my parents go off for the summer on business I get to stay with her, in her mansion.

Living the life, and making my own life. Somewhere where nobody would know me as the sidekick, I would just be the 'new girl' in town. People would see me as myself and not try to use me to get to other people, I would finally be seen as a whole. I would finally get to be happy.

The bell rang, and I quickly got up grabbing my books and purse and passing my classmates, who watched me in jealousy and idolization, because the moment I turned the corner I was immediately reunited with Callie, in all her perfect glory. She shot me a bright smile, flicking a strand of her hair over her shoulder as we made our way down the hall.

"So, Congrats on getting all those superlatives, I told you those facial's I gave you would pay off, I won all those title for my grade too. Aren't we just fabulous?" She said, laughing at her herself as she winked at the football players passing us by.

"I really don’t think I was voted for most likely to Succeed because my face is flawless this month." I was voted for that because of you, I almost said, but I bit my tongue and let her think what she wanted.

"Nonsense, you totally deserved it, as did I. So what are you doing tonight?" She questioned as we sat down at the lunch table, directly in the middle of the cafeteria surround by watching eyes.

"Packing I guess, I leave for California in two days. Plus, I was thinking of putting on 'The Notebook" again, since I fell asleep last night when I was trying to watch it." I carefully slid my peanut butter and Jelly sandwich out of my lunch bag, watching Callie roll her eyes.

"Can't that wait? You watch that movie, like, everyday! Plus, Tommy Edwards asked me out and I want to look perfect, I really need your help" Yeah, like she needs my help with that.

"I really cant, I leave Sunday morning. I'm sure you'll look amazing without my help."

"Oh come on! You know how I am, I will be so nervous I won't be able to think straight. I'm going to need you to pick me out an outfit, since your like fashion obsessed when it comes to my closet. You always pick out something amazing." This was true, I must admit. When I go to Callies house and see her closet filled to the brim with everything designer, I go absolutely crazy picking things out.

"I know, and I'm sorry but I can't." I insisted, taking another bite of my sandwich and trying to ignore her pleas.

"Please! I'm sure if I asked you mom she will help you pack later, and you have 'the Notebook' on DVD, so you can watch it whenever!" I sighed in defeat, knowing my mother who loved Callie, would automatically agree with whatever she asks for, even if I'm against it.

"Fine, I'll be there at five." I finally agreed, watching her squeal with happiness and hug me, before starting a new conversation on the latest Marc Jacob summer line. I wasn’t paying attention though, instead I drifted off into my own world dreaming about my summer without Callie pushing me around, and getting a chance to feel actual freedom.
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Recently, I went back and read all the chapters I recently posted and realized the writing was horrible! It was sloppy and unorganized, and just reading it made me cringe. So I am going to rewrite the last three chapters and make them better, organzie and add, so those who subscribed please re-read the chapters being reposted, they may come out different than the last.

Sorry if you dont like this idea, but it will help me get the new chapters out faster and make me happier, so please continue to read :)

Only two more chapters to revise, then new chapters on the way!