Everyone See's Her, But Nobody Knows

L.A arrivals and unexpected encounters

I woke up, the sunshine pouring through my open window and caressing my cheeks with the promise of a good day. I rolled over, completely comfortable and feeling the unwillingness to move spread through me as i opened one eye to check the time. Today was the day. The day id get out of this town and find myself, a promise i was willing to make. This summer would be different, id no longer live in Callies shadow, id open my wings and fly, experience live as my own person. And California as the perfect place to start.

I reluctantly rolled out of bed, making my way to the printer and let my fingers glide aross the perfectly smooth piece of paper, the plane ticket. The familiar excitement coursed through my veins and i felt a smile adorn my face. This was it. Lets do this.

The suitcases from the previous night, layed on my floor opened and ready to go, with only a few more things to be added. The bathroom was still covered in Callies date clothes, carelessy thrown, per usual, across the floor; the perfect dress a crumpled mess. I sighed, lifting it in my hands and letting the soft fabric and gorgeous color take up my mind.

This was a dress made for romance. A dress made to be worn so the person wearing it could be happy. A dress made for someone about to start over.

The movements began happening before i could even process what was happening, as i watched myself fold the dress and place it in my suitcase. With a loud ZIP sound, the deed was done.

"Take that Callie, this dress was made for someone who appreciates it." I said out loud, a warm feeling spreading throughout my body. Today was the day!

"Honey are you awake?" I heard my mom yell, ascending the stairs and coming towards my room. My dog was the first thing i saw, the flash of white fur, jumping on me and knocking me backwards.

"Well goodmorning to you too, Daisy." I said, kissing the dog on the nose. My mom walked in, a basket full of laundry in her hands, and placed in on my bed.

"Your packed already? Honey your not leaving until monday."

"Actually, i exchanged my plane ticket for one for this afternoon." I stated, slowly getting up and siting on the bed.

"What are you talking about ? Why would you do that? Have you even checked in with your aunt yet?" My mom asked, giving me that familiar look moms give you when they think you made a stupid mistake without letting them know beforehand and dont wanna tell you to your face. I lowered my head, playing with the heart necklace i wore every day and feeling a little bit panicked.

"Well....no. I did it in a spur-of-the-moment type of thing, but im sure she wont mind. I mean she barely leaves LA as it is, right?" My mom shook her head, pulling out her cell phone and giving me another dissapproving look.

"If heres anything you should know about Anna, its the fact that shes barely reliable, especially with times. You better hope she'll be there." I rolled my eyes at the disturbance and flopped back onto my bed, focusing on the bleach white ceiling as i heard my mom yell out my fathers name as if the house were on fire. Within the next 5 seconds, he was bounding up the stairs into my room.

"What ? Whats wrong?" He asked, out of breath as his eyes darted between me and my mother. I sighed, looking over to my mom with an accusing glare.

"Your daughter here has decided that she wanted to go on her vacation early, so she rebooked the ticket for today !" My dad held bak a smile at my mothers constant worry and wrapped a comforting arm around her.

"Can you blame the girl? Of course she's excited, she's never even been out of the state. Dont worry Amy, I'm sure Anna wont mind an early arrival. Have you tried calling?" I smiled, relived by my dads constantly chill mood. With the two of them together, they balanced each other out. It was a love i looked up to; envied even.

"No she has not ! What do we do if we let our baby girl fly all the way out there and she doesnt have a place to go ?"

"Then we will allow her to purchase a room at a hotel for the night and check in on her every few hours. Darling, our baby girl isnt a baby anymore. She's an independant teenager and i have faith in her to make the right choices and be safe in situations like these."

"Thanks daddy. So can I have some alone time to pack please ? I'm almost ready." My dad nodded, turning towards my frantic mother and pushing her a bit towards the door.

"Why don't you go downstairs and have a relaxing cup of that herbal tea to relax your nerves and keep trying Anna's cell. Everything will turn out fine." My mother nodded, finally relaxing and going towards the door, daisy trotting along at her feet. My dad gave me a wink, and followed as i was left alone.

So that was it; my parents knew, the ticket was printed, and i was practically ready to go. At this time tomorrow I'll be in a whole new world, my own world, and nothing will get in my way to being happy...

.... right?

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

It was hot. Too hot. So hot that the woman sitting next to me with her arm on the armrest was sticking to me. I was disgusted.

I was sitting in Lax, my legs were stuck uncomfortably to the leather seats in the terminal as i watched the luggage revolver spin around and around, with suitcases. Suitcases of all kinds; big, small, skinny, fat, red, blue, green, pink, yellow, zebra print, cheetah print... All kinds of suitcases.

Except my own.

I sighed, leaning forward and watching it revolve again through the groups of people that seemed to be everywhere, and couldnt help but feel the pang of regret course through my veins. Of course the only time in my life i stand up for myself and take charge, something bad happens like lost luggage. Gods punishing me... NO! No, i will not start thinking negative, im going to go get something cold to drink and when i come back my suitcases will be there ready to go.

I got up and made my way over to a reclusive magazine rack hiding in the corner of the room, and asked the man over the counter for a lemonade out of the fridge. As i waited my eyes contacted the magazine rack and i walked forward reaching for J-14 as my hand collided with someone elses.

"Oh I'm sorry!" I said, pulling ym hnd back and looking over. A girl stood there, in a pair of jean shorts and a black sweatshirt, hood pulled over her head as if she were hiding and a pair of blakc leather boots adorning her feet. She looked up at me, and soon recognition hit me. Demi Lovato?

"No its my fault completely, i wasnt paying attention. Do you want the last copy? You were here first." I looked to the rack to see it was the last copy and then shook my head.

"No its okay, i wasnt going to buy it. I was just looking at the cover quickly." She smiled at me, taking the magazine off the rack and then opening it, quickly scanning through the pages. By now, the baggage terminal was empty with the exception of us, and i wasnt quite sure what to do.

"Um if you dont mind me asking, are you Demi Lovato?" I said, shuffling my feet nervously beneath me.

"Yeah, thats me. Did you want an autograph?" I shook my head.

"No thanks, i just figured if it was you id let you know that i love your album, "Until Your Mine" is like my favorite song." She smiled at me, looking around then pulling the hood down.

"Thanks, if you dont mind me asking why are you hanging around an empty terminal?"

"It wasnt empty when i got here, but i think they lost my luggage. This vacation is not starting off on the right foot, i should probably go talk to someone about that..." I turned towards the man and paid for my lemonade, going to say goodbye when i saw something out of the corner of my eye. A man with a camera, followed by a few more.

Before i could even blink they ran towards us, surrounding Demi in a cloud of flashes and pushing forward, knocking her to the ground.

"DEMI ! WHAT ARE YOU DOING AT THE AIRPORT ALONE?" The paparazzi yelled, practically crushing her. She was knocked to her knees, falling on the ground and covering her face with her hood. The terminal was a public area, so as more flashed went off more people came in, with curious expressions on their face.

Demi was getting beaten up practically, knocked around as each photographer tried to push forward for a face shot, and i couldnt let that happen. I jumped foward, screwing the cap off my lemonade and tossing it high over the small crowd, covering the paparazzis in lemonade.

"HEY YOU BITCH, YOUR RUINING OUR CAMERAS!" I ignored their yelling as pushed with all my might, separating them from Demi for the right amount of seconds and grabbing her sleeve, pulling her up.

"Come on Demi, run!" She looked up seeing it was me and understaood the message, running with me as fast as we could down the lond hall that led to the food court, the paps right at our tail.

"Keep your head down, we're going to go through the foodcourt and find someplace the hide!" She nodded, grabbing the back of my shirt in case we were to get separated and raced into the crowd.

Surrounding me was people, staring at us curiously as we ran through the maze of tables, passing the smells of burger king and panda express.

"They're not leaving!" Demi shouted looking back and seeing the paps still following, taking pics in our direction with every movement.

"This way!" I said, and right as i did we entered the middle of a huge crowd of tourists, all holding trays of food.

"DUCK!" I yelled, and we ducked, heads barely missing the trays and we slid across the floor ending on the other side. The paparazzi, however, not so lucky. They collided with with the tourists head on, and i watched in amazement as a flurry of frechfries, half bitten burgers, and full, large cups of coke flew into the air landing on them in a splash.

"Keep running!" Demi ylled, and we took off again down another hall and into a womans bathroom.

"I'll lock the door!" I yelled, rushing over and snapping the metal lock down.

"That....was....amazing!" Demi said laughing, both of us out of breath. I laughed and n
odded sliding to the floor in a sitting position and waiting for my heartbeat to slow.

"Are you okay? They like, attacked you. It was kinda scary. Wheres your security anyways?" Demi looked at me guiltily then back down.

"Well i sort of ditched them real quick, i wanted some time alone. I just went through a bad break-up and i havent even had the chance to think about, theyve been trying to keep me so busy. I thought if i just bought a magazine or a candy bar id have at least a moment to myself." I nodded.

"That sounds horrible, never having a moment to yourself. It must pay off though, getting to do something you love in front of people who love you."

"Yeah, its a dream come true, but at the same time its still nice to have time to think. What bring you to California anyways?" Demi said smiling.

"I-" Before i could respond i heard banging on the doors.

"Demi, its us! Are you in there? Are you okay?" Demi smiled jumping up and running towards the door and opening it. Her security guards stood there, looking towards me.

"Are you okay?" They asked. She nodded quickly, and told them what happend smiling at me.

"This girl saved my life. How can i ever thank you?"

"I dont think they would have killed you, but it was honestly no problem ! You dont have to repay me. Honestly." Her security gurds nodded, making their ways towards the bathroom door and waiting to escort Demi back into safety.

"Listen, i really appreciate everything. I'd give you my number but disney doesnt allow me to, in case it gets leaked. They pretty much control my life. But I really hope I'll see you again. I dont know how long you in L.A for but it would be cool to hang out again or something, i know i owe you something after all that." I nodded and smiled, reaching into my pocket and taking out my wallet, scribbling my cell number on the back of an old receipt in eyeliner.

"It was nice meeting you Demi, take care." She waved as she was escorted away, and i slouched back against the sinks, feeling sweaty and tired. Today was definately full of surprises. I leaned over the sinks, splashing a bit of cold waster onto my face before drying off and making my way back towards the terminal to see if my luggage had arrived yet.

Daisy, the dog :)

♠ ♠ ♠
Hey everyone ! Okay so please dont hate me, i know i havent updated in like, a year. I'm so sorry ! My life has been crazy hectic and then 6 months back my computer completely died. The rest of the story about where ive been is posted on my profile, feel free to message me for more information. But anyways, I'm back in action with a new computer! Woohoo :)

I know this chapter was long and fillerish, but it has a lot of meaning in later chapters. Nick arrives soon, please just bear with me until the story unfolds!

Also, i need a new banner! Mine has been fucked up, and im in desperate need, so please!
One with Nick and Brittany Snow or any other blonde, blue eyed girl (not emily osment, gag).

Thanks, I love you all :)