Everyone See's Her, But Nobody Knows

Get your party on

It was everything i expected and more. The room was large, the expanded walls made out of all windows, overlooking the city lights. The ceilings had two, large and exquisite chandeliers that hung dantily over the room filled with celebrities. There were booths, much like ones that would be in a club...not that i ever had been. The room just had that clubby, nightlife feeling. There were waitors, dressed in the move like black and white get ups, crossing the room with silver platters in each hand, filled with finger foods or crystal cups of champagne.

As for the people, it was a sea of dark leather and high heels. I felt the anxiety come over me, and for a moment i actually thought i was going to throw up. Why am i here? I cant be confident, if i had any ability in my body to be like that i could have stopped being Callies sidekick years ago.

“I cant do this!” I said, grasping my chest for air. It seemed like the room has somehow shrunk in size and was closing in on me

“Woah, woah, woah calm down now honey, your going to be okay. Just a bit of newcomers jitters, it will pass. Do you want to sit down?” I stood there, dumbfounded at what to do.

“I dont know, i dont know what to do or what to think!” I said, and it was true. I had no idea how anyone was expecting me to act, im not exactly trained in hollywood ediquite.

“Just relax, your doing fine. You look amazing, you fit right in! Why dont i introduce you to some kids your own age?” I nodded my head, knowing there was no escaping now. She led the way, the people parting around us and staring, some whispering. This wasnt helping my anxiety.

“Adrienne!” I heard someone shout, and i looked over to see the source of the familiar voice. Demi stood there, dressed in a tight black dress, covered in a black leather jacket and on her feet a pair of black leather heels. She looked gorgeous, per usual, and i felt some of the fear flood out of my body. At least i knew someone besides my aunt...

“Demi! Hey, how are you?” I questioned, as she walked over giving me a small hug, a smile never leaving her face.

“I’m doing great, thanks so much for helping me earlier. What on earth are you doing here?” She questioned. I nodded towards my aunt, who had abandoned me at Demis greeting and begun a new conversation.

“I’m staying with my aunt Anna for the summer, and she is sort of famous i guess.” Demi’s eyes widened, and a smile crossed her face, bigger than the one before.

“Anna is your aunt! No way, that is too perfect!” She hugged me again and this time i smiled, giving her a hug back and letting the confidence fill me. If i could fit in with Demi i assumed i could fit in with everyone, right?
As we pulled back from the hug i realized a large group staring at us. I got goosebumps immediately, but looked back at them with my new found confidence, seeing three pairs of brown eyes staring back at me, and one pair of big blue eyes. I gulped, seeing they were familiar but held my stance.

“Demi, im guessing you know her?” One asked. She smiled at them as she pulled me over, pushing me in front of her.

“Yes, guys this is Adrienne, the girl i met at the airport earlier. Her aunt is Anna Cadenza, and she is staying here for the summer! Adrienne...this is Miley, Kevin, Joe...and Nick.” I nodded at them, putting the best smile i could upon my face and offering out my hand.

“It’s nice to meet you.” I said, and i watched the awkwardness break like glass. Everyones face erupted in smiles, as they greeted me, ushering me towards their booth.

“Thanks for saving my girl.” Joe whispered to me, ushering me into the booth beside Nick. I smiled at him and looked between him and Demi.

“Your girl?” I questioned. They both broke into hug smiles and i noticed they were holding hands and blushing.

“Yeah, for the past two months.” Demi replied sweetly. I smiled at them and nodded.

“Well, in that case no problem Joe. It was an adventure.” He smiled at me again in apreciation, as Demi began telling the story of how we had met earlier to everyone else at the table. I sat there, laughing when she mentioned the funny parts and just trying to fit in.

“So your aunt is Anna?” I heard a soft voice whisper. I looked beside me and saw Nick looking at me, and i swear my heart almost stopped. I never noticed before how gorgeous he was, his flawless skin, chocolate brown eyes surrounded by long lashes. His cologne wafted my way, and i felt my nervouse heart start beating rapidly again.

“Uh, yeah she is. You know her?” I questioned, as he smiled.

“Yeah, shes actually a really good friend of our family. She does our hair for most video and shoots and visits my mom a lot. I really like her.” I smiled and let out a nervous laugh.

“I havent seen her since i was little, i barely even know her anymore, but ive always liked her. Shes easy to get along with and lots of fun.”

“And your staying with her for the summer?” He asked. I nodded, smiling and accepting a drink Demi passed me, lemon water to be exact.

“Yeah, i am.” He smiled at me again, one that made girls across the world get butterflies, and felt them erupt in my own stomach.

“Good, looks like ill be seeing you a lot this summer then.” Then he winked at me and i almost choked on my sip of water, as he looked back towards Joe and Demi talking. My heart was racing, and the confidence i couldnt find before welled up inside me.

Nick Jonas just winked at me. What would Callie think? Ha.
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Yes, i know this is short, but i had to post something, it was killing me ! I have huge plans for this story, i really do. I plan on writing a lot more lately, but comments would really help! I want to make sure people are reading :) Nick's finally in the story, and things are going to heat up. No worries :) COMMENT!

xoxo :)