Dead or Alive


My body lay on the ground and I couldn’t move. The pain spread through my body like sharp needles and it wasn’t stopping, it was doing the opposite, and I couldn’t stop it. I could hear the others scream in pain but I couldn’t turn to look at them. His words lingered over me;

“Not all of you will live”

I had no idea what he meant and I realised that maybe this wasn’t the end for me, but I was probably just trying to make myself feel better. There was no way I could live through this and no way I wanted to, and as I lay down and waited for death, he stood over me his dark black eyes commanding my attention. My heartbeat slowed as the blood trickled out of my neck.


The pain was numbing and I slowly flexed my finger tips as my arm went into spasm. A sharp intake of breathe caught his attention. He came and stood over me.

“Another one” he reported to the others.

“That’s five now, the rest were too weak. Once he can stand we’ll move him out of the open to the others.”

I couldn’t even think about what he had said, all I knew was that I wasn’t dead. At least, not yet. My thoughts drifted to the ‘others’ who had survived. Mikey I thought at once and a fresh wave of fear washed over me. I couldn’t bear it if Mikey hadn’t made it. I had to assume he had, even though he was usually the defenceless one of us and quite usually the weaker one, I had to believe he had made it. I lost my train of though as a voice whispered in my ear. I would know soon enough.

I didn’t understand what the man had meant but realised I needed to know who else had survived or I would go slowly go mad, but I vowed if anything had happened to Mikey or even Frank they would regret it, even if not immediately. It would be long and painful. I knew that these creatures were not human, and I now questioned my humanity. I looked up into the beautiful face of the creature. The one who had bitten me. The one who I had become?

I lay in my thoughts for a while but after a few minutes the creature came up to me.

“We are going”

With that I was ripped up from the ground and was cradled in his arms, uncomfortably though. He was moving, not walking, faster, faster than running and smoother. That’s when I opened my eyes and realised he was hovering above the ground in a sprint like movement. Not really flying but close to. I wondered what the hell was happening and the speed at which we were going allowed the wind to force my eyelids open. My vision was blurred but I could make out the forest that we were advancing towards. I realised the others must be somewhere in there, hidden.

In less than a minute we were in the trees, but the creature showed no signs of slowing up, not until we had been in the forest for more than five minutes. He suddenly stopped, startling me and then dropped me onto the ground violently, but it didn’t hurt. I shakily stood up and looked around. We

were in a clearing heavily covered by trees all around. It was a circular clearing with a large fire in the middle for light, I soon realised that it stood no other purpose, not warmth. I felt nothing of the weather. Before the attack it had been freezing and I had been crouching in knee high water. But now nothing, this only furthered my belief that I had become one of them.

A sudden wave of relief swept over me as I noticed Mikey sitting down near the fire, he sat down along with Frank, Bob and Ray. But there was something different about them. Frank was still shorter that the rest, Ray still had big hair, but something was different. Mikey turned to look at me. His eyes stood out on his now alabaster skin, jet black, and horror swept through me momentarily. I couldn’t break my gaze for a while but when I did I noticed they all had the same eyes standing out on their ghostlike alabaster skin. They could have been characters from a horror move, and only then did I realise that I must look the same. I moved towards them and I was followed by our creators.

“My name is Wraith” The man introduced himself to us.

“My friends are Alumit, Amaia and Amarande.” Amaia was the girl and had long golden hair with jet black eyes the two contrasting each other, and she had the face any model would kill for. The other two were boys; Alumit and Amarande both had dark black hair that fell to just below their chins and looked considerably younger than Wraith and couldn’t be much older than me.

“We have created you for a purpose” he hesitated. “You will be trained in combat, we chose you because as soldiers you will be accustomed to battle and will therefore be quicker to train and more skilful. There is no need for you to hear what you are fighting tonight. Tomorrow you will be completely briefed. But for tonight you will be allowed to rest and become accustomed to your new life. You will no doubt feel different. You will no longer feel the need for such trivial things as sleeping and eating, you will feed with us at the end of every month. If you will excuse me.” After he had finished the four of them went and sat at the edge of the clearing and started whispering in hushed tones.

I sat down in between Mikey and Bob.

“I…..oh my god….but we….” Bob was in tears and I felt like crying as well. I never really spoke to Bob properly but whenever we spoke it wasn’t forced conversation and now sitting here with the only survivors I realised, that maybe, just maybe, dying wasn’t the scariest thing in this world, and now I realised that right now I was more scared of living.

None of us felt like talking, and so we jus sat there for most of the evening. I contemplated what was ahead. Before tonight I had never believed in supernatural forces but now surrounded by these creatures, and my friends. We had all become something we never dreamed possible. Vampires.
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